GameDivision, our video game channel reaches 1000 subscribers

We knew it would be a long and tortuous journey and it still is, but today, GameDivision has just reached 1000 subscribers, an important result considering the enormous competitive mass on the market. GameDivision was born in 2018 as's video game vertical and in a short time it managed to grow in authority and number.SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL -> GameDivision
The GameDivision's idea is to lay the foundations for a community that loves video games and appreciates the way they are treated: with competence and transparency.
Over the last few months you will certainly have noticed some changes on the site: reduction of news, more original content and better quality. The goal will be to improve ourselves even more, so that everyone can find a home for video games in GameDivision.
There will be time and a way to tell you what we have in mind to build at an editorial level this year; with important graphic and technical differences which, however, we cannot mention yet, but which will include major improvements in terms of quality, type of news and articles. In addition to this, a clear indication of our focus, which will certainly not lose its commitment to console gaming, but which however will begin to focus more on PC Gaming and everything that is part of it: peripherals, video games, clients, settings, guide.
What we want to announce today concerns the first step of this path, the cornerstone that will lead GameDivision to its own communicative independence, capable not only of giving more prominence to the entire videogame component but also of greater clarity the various vertical compartments of
Starting today, GameDivision will have its own official Instagram channel, TikTok and above all a proprietary YouTube channel that will have original and creative contents, developed by a young team, ready and open to listening to feedback of any kind, so that together we can build something important and above all that can meet everyone's needs.
YouTube channel
GameDivision YouTube channel -> Click here to subscribeThe YouTube channel is a bet on which we strongly want to bet. We have always thought of wanting to create our own environment where we can talk about video games without restrictions and with a more vertical audience. Our intent is to try to give users something new, perhaps aiming for experimental videos and out of the ordinary ideas, so as not to represent another mere editorial title, but something more familiar, but which can still maintain a level of incisive criticism.
What you will find
Shorts of the main news and curiosities Video discussions on current topics and more Video game guides Video game reviews and previews Technical analysis of PC games Videos on PC gaming peripherals /Dedicated live consoles and greater contact with the gaming editorial staffInstagram channel
GameDivision's Instagram channel -> Click here to subscribeOur Instagram channel is designed to show you the products more closely arriving at the editorial office: press kits, controllers, special peripherals, consoles and more. In addition to this, various reels and creative content, mini reviews, surveys, quizzes and photo/video stories about our business travels.
What you will find
Reels on products, news and curiosities Photos by products: peripherals, press kits and video games Screens and virtual photography of current video games Polls and Quizzes Photos and updates from press toursTikTok channel
GameDivision's TikTok channel -> Click here to subscribeThe TikTok channel is designed to be a grouping of the reels of the moment, as well as the place to find a little more about our daily life in the office and outside.
Telegram group
Telegram channel by GameDivision -> Click here to subscribeThe perfect channel for those who want to stay in touch with the editorial staff: ask questions, discuss, give feedback and be informed about upcoming content, perhaps providing exclusive information on what you are tried (clearly post embargo) and more insights on some issues in a more informal way.