One Piece: mightyraccoon's Nico Robin cosplay is smiling and well done

One Piece
One Piece is ready to hit theaters with Red, who will take Straw Hat fans on a new adventure. The saga is long and beloved and the reason is obviously to be found in the characters, especially those who have long been part of Luffy's crew. One example is Nico Robin. Now, mightyraccoon offers us his own cosplay of Nico Robin.Nico Robin has eaten a Fruit of the Sea that allows her to create arms around herself, so as to interact from a distance with objects and opponents. In this cosplay we don't see the power in action, but we do see the smiling pirate, who greets someone out of our sight.
If you are a fan of the world of cosplay, then you should see donnami_cos' Lucy cosplay takes us into the world of Edgerunners. Here then also the cosplay of Makima di sugashi chains you. We close the suggestions with the cosplay of Hinata of vannanyanna in a bathing suit makes us feel nostalgia for the summer.
Tell us, what do you think of Nico Robin cosplay made by mightyraccoon? The One Piece character has been recreated in the way better, or do you think you have seen higher quality versions?
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