IPhones can also get infected, here's how to prevent it from happening
IPhones can also get infected
With a press release, Panda Security shows us all the do's and don'ts, to keep ourselves as safe as possible from unwanted attention: because, despite its superior security, even iOS is not immune to viruses .
The reason is soon explained. First of all iOS and consequently the viruses capable of attacking it, is designed differently from Windows or Android. And therefore it requires that you have to dedicate time specifically for that type of “project”.
Secondly, again according to Panda Security, iOS tends to be more secure than its competing counterparts. Apple is so confident about the security of iOS that it has never released an official antivirus that can be used on the iPhone.| ); } Security which, however, can be jeopardized (even seriously) by two wrong behaviors on the part of the end user: jailbreak and not update the operating system on a regular basis.
The jailbreak, or the procedure by which the restrictions imposed by Apple are removed, it allows you to install third-party software and packages, not signed and authorized by Apple.
Quite intuitively, this entails a decrease in the security of the device: it is no coincidence that most of the current viruses for iPhone is designed to take advantage of the jailbreak and overwrite some functions of the "open" operating system.
A bug allowed iOS apps to spy on conversations with Siri and more. is developed to prevent access to viruses and malware, so jailbreaking is absolutely not recommended.
Panda Security also provides a useful checklist of what could be the symptoms of a possible presence of viruses on our iPhone:
Overheating Excessive consumption of data Popup outside the browser or apps Presence of unknown apps on the iPhone Apps that stop working every time they are opened Battery that downloads quickly iPhone slowdown False virus warnings on iPhones But since security is never too much, Panda Security also provides us with a list of things to do to eliminate any viruses that are already present (or remove our doubts):
Remove unknown apps Delete browser search history Restart the phone Reset the factory settings if you cannot get the iPhone back to correct operation. And speaking of the “correct” way to do it, Panda Security closes its press release with a list of the right behaviors to be observed to protect yourself from any risk:
Download apps only from the App Store Update iOS periodically Maintain update the apps Do not jailbreak the iPhone Do not click on virus warnings Do not open suspicious e-mails Install a cybersecurity app For our part, we can only reiterate what was said at the beginning: absolutely avoid jailbreaking the your iPhone, only install certified apps and remember to keep your iPhone up to date!