Invincible: superheroes according to Kirkman

Invincible: superheroes according to Kirkman


If it is true that the birth of superheroic fiction coincides with the appearance on American newsstands of a certain Kryptonian in 1938, it becomes easy to understand how complex it is to be able to find still new ideas to keep these fantastic universes made of men alive in tights endowed with extraordinary powers. The two giants of superheroic comics can count on a narrative continuity that evolves their characters by tying them to the contemporaneity of the real world, but do new ideas and new characters still have the opportunity to show their own identity? This is what Invincible has to try to do, a superhero comic that has now ended, created by that hotbed of ideas known as Robert Kirkman.

Speaking of superhero comics, in fact, one would think that everything has already been told, but luck wants that there are authors capable of taking an established canon and giving it a new vision. Various authors have passed through this wave of innovators, able to move within consolidated contexts, such as Hickman with his recent management of the X-Men, or to create new narrative dimensions that propose themselves as a critical reinterpretation of the myth of superhero, experiment attempted by Jeff Lemire with his Black Hammer saga. And finally, it's Kirkman's turn to take the baton with Invincible.

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Renew the superheroes

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