Blood pressure monitors | The best of 2022

Read also: Pulse oximeters | The best of 2022 In addition to going digital, blood pressure monitors have evolved to the point of becoming smart, with solutions that can synchronize readings with the smartphone via Bluetooth and easily access results, as well as monitor changes in blood pressure in time. The latter are not yet popular, but it is clear that they will become more and more attractive as technology evolves, making it understandable and usable by anyone.
Today there are many blood pressure monitors on the market but, although they all do more or less a good job, there are models that deserve to be bought more than others, even at the cost of paying a few tens of euros more. Health, on the other hand, comes before anything else, so it would be illogical to rely on a discreet device, when the market offers more sophisticated solutions. If you do not know which blood pressure monitor to buy, there is no reason to worry, since this article is designed specifically for you. In fact, below you will find a list of what are, in our opinion, the best blood pressure monitors, models that you should evaluate before any other.
The best blood pressure monitors
Omron X2 Basic Microlife BPA2-B A&D Medical UA-611 Medisana BU 565 Omron X7 SmartOmron X2 Basic
Let's start by pointing out the Omron X2 Basic, a modern and reliable blood pressure monitor. The measurement, like most solutions, takes place automatically on the arm. Just press the single button located on the front of the device to start the check and discover, after a few moments, your pressure. In addition to the pressure, the heartbeat will be monitored, alerting you via the dedicated indicators if the device detects an abnormal heartbeat. A clinically validated product, whose only weakness is that it does not have an internal memory capable of storing the latest readings, but considering the price it is not a serious shortcoming.SEE ON AMAZON SEE ON EBAY
Microlife BPA2-B
Among the most reliable, portable and easy to use blood pressure monitors we find the Microlife BPA2-B. Equipped with an adjustable bracelet from a minimum of 22 cm up to a maximum of 42 cm, this model will always measure your blood pressure precisely, signaling any abnormal rhythm of your heartbeat on the digital screen. Present the internal memory, which will have the ability to store the last 30 measurements. You can check the latest readings through the two dedicated buttons, located on the sides of the ignition. This model also has a threshold indicator, which will let you know if the pressure just measured is good, too high or too low.SEE ON AMAZON SEE ON EBAY
A&D Medical UA-611
Another clinically validated blood pressure monitor that deserves to be considered for its reading reliability is the A&D Medical UA-611. Quick and easy to use, as it features a single button, which doubles as a reading of the last 30 measurements. Like any self-respecting model, it has an indicator dedicated to a possible irregular heartbeat. In addition, it will be able to calculate an average of your measurements, in order to have an even clearer idea of your blood pressure.SEE ON AMAZON SEE ON EBAY
Medisana BU 565
In addition to reliability, we have decided to include the Medisana BU 565 in our list dedicated to the best blood pressure monitors for its large display, which makes it a device especially suitable for the elderly or those who have problems with view. The numerical digits will be reproduced in large characters and with excellent brightness, thus ensuring optimal readability in any condition. The internal memory will save up to 120 measurements and the latter will be classified using a color scale in the shape of a traffic light, which has the aim of making you better understand how good your blood pressure is.SEE ON AMAZON SEE ON EBAY
Omron X7 Smart
Omron X7 Smart ranks among the best blood pressure monitors not only for precise readings and numerous functions, but also and above all for being smart . This model, in fact, can connect with your smartphone via bluetooth and with the help of the dedicated Omron app you can check the measurements in comfort and without the need to turn on the device. With as many as 100 measurements that can be saved, pressure control will be total, thanks also to the large display, which will show you 2 readings at the same time, so that you can compare the current pressure with the previous ones more quickly and accurately. In addition, the official app will provide you with multiple tips on how to keep yourself healthy, based on your measurements. In short, much more than a simple blood pressure monitor.VIEW ON AMAZON VIEW ON EBAY
How to choose a blood pressure monitor
When you buy a blood pressure monitor you they should evaluate a number of factors, just like they do with any other product. In this specific case, the accuracy of blood pressure is king, but there are still other factors that, although not so relevant, should be taken into consideration if you want to be sure of making a great purchase. Let's find out below!Accuracy
As anticipated, the first feature that should stand out in a blood pressure monitor is the reading accuracy. In fact, relying on a device of dubious quality would involve measurements that are not in line with the real ones and, consequently, one would run the risk of believing that one has a certain pressure when the latter could be higher or lower than what is reported.So how do you know if a blood pressure monitor is reliable or not? There is no objective way, but you can resort to the classic suggestion, which is to take into account specialized brands. In this regard, the best known are Omron, Microlife and Beurer, but there are many others equally reliable. Another way, perhaps even more reliable, that will help you understand which model to buy is to check if the product description states that it is a clinically validated product. The presence of this certification indicates that you are dealing with a device that meets the blood pressure requirements and that it has received an independent review process by specialized organizations.
If you are looking for the utmost accuracy you should rely on an analog blood pressure monitor, but the latter are only used by the doctor, making them less popular in everyday use. Furthermore, we do not recommend them because they may require the help of a second person to correctly apply the pressure pump, not to mention the fact that they do not allow you to store the latest readings. Nothing serious, as a good digital blood pressure monitor comes very close to the accuracy of an analog model.
A blood pressure monitor that simply reports your current pressure it might be enough for most people, but we believe buying a feature-rich device could prove useful in the future, for example if you need to compare blood pressure on different days. The latest and most advanced models offer a variety of information in addition to high and low blood pressure, and heart rate. Functions like the following:Memory: useful for saving the latest measurements and comparing them with those of the rest of the day or the previous day. More sophisticated models such as the Omron X7 Smart can store as many as 100 measurements, while entry level solutions usually stop at 20 or 30; Threshold indicator: often accompanied by color graphics outside the display, this function is useful for checking at a glance whether the pressure is in the right range or not. If the function is present, the device will show an easy-to-read indicator on the screen, which goes alongside the respective color (red if the pressure is completely out of range, yellow if it is not perfect and green if it is optimal) ; Average: pressure gauges of a certain level are able to calculate an average of all measurements, a non-essential function that could help you understand what your average pressure level is throughout the day; Error warning: it often happens to apply the sleeve incorrectly without realizing it, so having a device that can detect the wrong position is essential. Any error is usually signaled by an acoustic signal; Alarm clock: the more sophisticated models could integrate a sort of alarm clock, useful to remind you to measure your blood pressure at set times; Bluetooth: Blood pressure monitors can also be smart and are often the most expensive. They connect via bluetooth to your smartphone and send the data collected from the measurements, allowing you to easily check them whenever you want. In addition, a smart model like the Omron X7 Smart could provide multiple suggestions on how to keep you healthy, always based on measurements made over time.
Ease of use
Blood pressure monitors are devices that are used at any age but, although most people know how to use them without problems, the elderly may have a lot of difficulties, which is why the ease of use plays an important role during the purchase. By ease we mean that the device should be able to measure blood pressure automatically, without having to go through several menus. Your best bet would be to rely on single-button models so that an older person doesn't run the risk of pressing the wrong buttons, although this could affect the number of functions of the device.Another factor to be evaluated is the display. This should be as large as possible so that the pressure readings are read quickly by anyone. The same importance must be given to the buttons, which should also be as large as possible, so that an elderly person can distinguish them and press them with ease. Also, make sure that an arrow or a drawing is printed on the cuff of the blood pressure monitor to show you how to apply it in the right direction. The latter is present on practically all models, but a small check never hurts.
Blood pressure monitors are not known for the number of accessories, in fact in most of cases you will find only the device with its sleeve and case, the instruction manual and the batteries. However, it would be appreciated if the product comes equipped with extra batteries, an additional cuff and a diary to record the various measurements on. These accessories, however, are hardly found included in the package in entry level models.How to read a blood pressure monitor?
At the end of the measurement, the device will show 2 large numbers on the screen, accompanied by from a smaller one. The latter is the one dedicated to your heartbeat, while the others correspond to the systolic and diastolic pressure. Recognizing them is easy because the first always has a higher value than the second and is detected as soon as the blood pressure in the arteries begins to contract. The second is recorded when the heart begins to relax.You have surely read and heard numerous times that the pressure should be 120/80 and it is correct, but you should not worry if the values are not always perfect. It is advisable to notify the doctor when the values always exceed the threshold of 140 or often settle below 100 as regards the systolic pressure, while the alarming values of the diastolic pressure are those below 60 or above 100. Regardless of the values, It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a moderate weight to prevent complications from pressure. In addition, it may be important for your doctor to know whether or not your family has blood pressure problems or if you are the only one with them.