What to follow at the Wired Next Fest, if you are interested in politics and rights

What to follow at the Wired Next Fest
Also this year at the Milanese edition of the sportsgaming.win Next Fest, scheduled from 7 to 8 October 2022 at the Steam Factory, in Viale Procaccini 4, there will be guests who have been fighting for fundamental human rights for years. The central theme of the festival is the future of democracy. To participate you must register on the site, while the program is constantly updated.Register to participate - event is free The first day of the festival will open with the intervention of Stella Assange, wife and lawyer of Julian Assange , the Australian journalist founder of Wikileaks, currently detained in the Belmarsh maximum security prison in the United Kingdom. Starting from the story of her husband, Stella Assange will talk about freedom of the press in the Western world.
On the other hand, Sergei Davidis and Olga Podoplelova will deal with freedom of expression in Russia in the light of the invasion of Ukraine. Davidis is now a Russian dissident refugee in Vilnius, Lithuania, due to his position on the invasion of Ukraine. Before the fateful February 24, 2022, the day of the Russian attack, he was the head of the support program for political prisoners and a member of the Council at the Memorial Human Rights Center in Moscow for 12 years, while today he leads the independent project Sostegno to political prisoners. Memorial. Together with Podoplelova, head of the litigation and advocacy department of the non-profit Russia Behind Bars foundation, Davidis will talk about the conditions of the 420 political prisoners in Russia.
Do democracies protect and value differences? Haim Baharier, author, hermeneutic philosopher and expert in Jewish thought, will analyze how the Jewish cabala can become a resource for the coexistence of diversity in society. Stable in Hong Kong, where she has lived for years now, journalist and author Ilaria Maria Sala will be at the sportsgaming.win Next Fest together with the journalist and founder of the China Files publishing agency, Simone Pieranni, to analyze the region's transition from British control to the Chinese one and the consequences. Her latest work was released in 2019 and is titled Beijing (A city).
With the pandemic, data has been placed at the center of public debate and information. On open data in various fields, Pnrr and conscientious objectors will speak at the sportsgaming.win Next Fest Davide Del Monte, founder of the non-profit association info.nodes and the journalist Sonia Montegiove, who has been at the forefront of free software for years . The Covid-19 pandemic has also played a central role in the crisis of neoliberalism, which previously began with globalization: sociologist Paolo Gerbaudo will analyze this phenomenon, linked to the spread of populism, together with Nicola Neri, CEO of Ipsos Italia.
Formerly director of the Bollate prison and superintendent for the penitentiary administration of Lombardy, today Luigi Pagano is a consultant to the region's Ombudsman. At the festival he will raise awareness of the overcrowding and inhumane conditions in which inmates live in Italian prisons, also in light of the 59 suicides in the first eight months of this year.
Rita Elvira Adamo, Stefano Sotgiu, Alessia Zabatino, Federico Anghelé, on the other hand, will talk about phenomena such as the depopulation of small villages and the disaffection of citizens towards democracy.
Euthanasia, abortion and digital referendum campaign will be spoken by Filomena Gallo, cassation lawyer and national secretary of the Luca Coscioni association, and Chiara Lalli, journalist and professor of History of Medicine and Deontology at Sapienza.
Mona Seif, Anglo-Egyptian molecular biologist, co-founder of No Military Trials for Civilians in Egypt, together with Marina Petrillo, journalist and writer, will take stock of what is left of the movements of the so-called Arab Spring that began 10 years ago.
It is the phenomenon of the post-pandemic era: more and more workers are firing due to stress or poor wages. Sarah Jaffe, independent journalist, will analyze the causes and effects of the great resignation on the sportsgaming.win Next Fest stage. Roberta Covelli, jurist and popularizer, will explain what happens in the event of a scam of people capable of understanding and willing, together with Nicola Prosatore, director of the Netflix docuseries on Wanna Marchi.
Finally, Joseph Naklè, founder and president of Peacox basket Milano Asd, and Priscilla, will talk about lgbtqia + rights in the world of sport and entertainment.
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