Guide to car taxes: what to pay and when

Guide to car taxes
When buying a car, it is necessary to pay taxes, in addition to the payment of registration fees (due only once, precisely for the first registration). These taxes are due every year, and must be taken into account in the personal and / or family budget because they are part of the maintenance costs of the vehicle, in addition to the expenses for fuel and annual servicing. Let's see what they are.
The automobile tax or stamp duty
Let's start with the automobile tax, commonly known as the automobile tax, and in the past called the road tax. The car tax is payable by all car owners and is consequent precisely for the possession of the vehicle. It is therefore useful to specify that in the event that the vehicle that has been purchased under a leasing or usufruct contract, the payment of the tax is up to the user or usufructuary and not to the owner, in accordance with the registration of the PRA (public automobile register) .The vehicle tax is due annually, and is managed by the regions and autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento, with the exception of Sardinia and Fiuli Venezia Giulia, where it is the responsibility of the Revenue Agency. In addition, some regions are also affiliated with the ACI: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento. For these regions and provinces, ACI offers consulting services for information, rates and services.| ); }
The question for electric cars is different. New electric cars benefit from the exemption for the first 5 years of life. After the calculation of the car tax, it is carried out on the power expressed in kW to be multiplied by an amount that varies according to the emission class and with an increase for the kW exceeding 100. However, also in this case, always remaining a tax managed at level local, it is necessary to refer to the provisions of their regions. For example, in Piedmont and Lombardy, electric vehicles are entitled to a lifetime exemption. To find out the amount due, a simulation can be carried out on the ACI website.
pagoBollo on-line; the ACI points; the Sermetra Agencies; the Mooney Stores; Poste Italiane, by online payment at the counter and through the other channels made available; the Lottomatica stores; the other agencies for self-authorized practices present in the area; Banks.
The super vignette
In addition to the so-called tax, only for endothermic vehicles that exceed certain power thresholds, it is also necessary to pay the super vignette. This is an additional tax that provides for the payment of € 20 for each kW of power exceeding the threshold of 185 kilowatts. The amount due is annual and the deadline coincides with that car tax. The amount of the super stamp decreases over time, up to zero in the twentieth year from the construction of the vehicle, according to the following scheme:12 euro / kw after five years from the date of construction / registration; 6 euro / kw after ten years from the date of construction; 3 euro / kw after 15 years from the date of construction; 0 after 20 years from the date of construction. For electric cars, the super stamp is not due until the sixth year after registration (also in this case, it goes hand in hand with the road tax); after this period, the surplus above 185 kW begins to be paid. However, the super tax is reduced compared to that of petrol cars, € 12.00 per kW instead of € 20.00.
The overhaul
Then there is the overhaul to be carried out. 4 years must pass from vehicle registration to the first inspection, after which the frequency will be biennial. This involves a careful and accurate check of the state of health of the vehicle and of the safety equipment: the efficiency of the brakes, lights, direction indicators and acoustic signals, as well as the integrity of the windows and bodywork are then checked. (which must not have rust). The outcome of the check can be positive or negative. In the event that the car does not pass the tests, you have one month to resolve the reported problems and submit to the test again. The penalties for failure to carry out the revision have variable amounts, ranging from € 159.00 to € 639.00. The other possible sanction is the withdrawal of the registration certificate, which is suspended until the revision is carried out and passed. In the event that you are subjected to an inspection and found still without the revision after the 30 days of time to comply, the fine is between € 1,842.00 and € 7,369.00, to which is also added the administrative detention. of the medium for 3 months.The cost to carry out this check ranges from € 45.00 to a maximum of € 66.80, depending on whether you choose to contact the Motor Vehicle Authority, ACI, or authorized workshops. This figure also includes the charges for the blue sticker, a mandatory certificate on the control of exhaust fumes.
If you contact the motorization, the times are slightly longer because you need to make a reservation directly at the provincial office and then come back on the day the appointment is set. If, on the other hand, you contact ACI or authorized workshops, checks are usually carried out in 20-30 minutes and the certificate is issued, if the car meets the required requirements.
A tax cannot be strictly defined, but among the annual costs to be taken into consideration if you own a four-wheel vehicle, there is certainly that, as required by Law no. 990 of 24 December 1969, the need for insurance coverage for civil liability (car liability) towards third parties. The amount, in this case, is not fixed by law, but varies according to the regions and insurance companies.
If you have a car, the following taxes must be paid:Automobile tax (stamp duty) Annual payment - or exempt for electric vehicles It depends on the region of residence, category and power of the vehicle. Super stamp Annual payment € 20.00 (€ 12.00 for electric) additional for each kilowatt exceeding 185 kw of power Revision and blue sticker Every 2 years (4 in the case of new cars) From a minimum of € 45 to a maximum of € 66.80 established by law. If doubts persist or if you want to proceed with the calculation of the tax due or check any deadlines, you can visit the following sites:
Motorist's Portal: from which you can check the expiry date of the revision Agenzia delle Revenue: which offers the possibility to calculate the amount of the car tax, and to check the payment status (only for some regions) Automobile Club d'Italia (ACI): from which you can calculate the amount of the car tax, check it the payment status or make the payment (only for the affiliated regions)