Bayonetta 2, the video game that was not supposed to be born and that instead was a triumph

Bayonetta 2
Thinking, now a few days after the publication of its third chapter, that the Bayonetta series has risked interrupting after the first episode is decidedly strange. Yet it is so. It is to its intense and frenetic action and its amazing protagonist that action fans look to as an absolute reference for the whole genre, now even more than the series to which Bayonetta owes a lot, namely Devil May Cry.
The idea of stylish action, of a fighting system that is as delightful to the fingertips as it is spectacular to the eyes, was born with the Capcom series, and on the other hand the creator is the same, the brilliant, histrionic, edgy, offensive Hideki Kamiya. But things could have gone very differently, and today perhaps the throne of action would be vacant, because in the practical act of productions of a level belonging to the genre, they are no longer seen.
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"Success" does not always rhymes with "continuation"
Among these it was Bayonetta who achieved the greatest success, quantifiable in about one and a half million copies in the months immediately following its publication. Paradoxically, PlatinumGames did not believe it had hit the commercial goal, while evidently SEGA had to be happy with the results achieved, since it gave the green light for the pre-production of a sequel, to be brought, like the first chapter, on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 .So what seemed almost a theft against other gaming platforms turned out to be what it really was. Nintendo had been the only one to believe in the project (rumors want the franchise to have been offered to others as well), had put the money into it, and therefore Bayonetta 2 would have been exclusive to Wii U: clear and concise.
What a risk we took
And luckily Nintendo arrived, because what would we have lost without him. Bayonetta 2 is certainly among the best action ever, perhaps even the unattainable peak of the whole genre. It does everything that the first chapter does and raises it to power in an overwhelming, perhaps even excessive way, because it allows itself additions and digressions that its predecessor did not dare. It may happen, then, that when discussing among fans about which is the best of the couple someone thinks that the first chapter manages in the ideal way the rigor of a spectacular and certainly caciarone combat system, but above all calibrated to the millimeter.Bayonetta 2 takes the liberty instead, and how, inserting elements into the combat system that are there one step away from being unbalanced, but which in the riot of blows generated by an increase in the general level of the action have an absolute coherence, playful how much stylistic; equally, trespassing into other videogame genres is also allowed, with a carelessness so natural that one just exalts oneself, without in the least thinking that they may be out of context.
How beautiful it is that a a production originally destined for oblivion to show off such high peaks of skill, style, inventiveness, character. Bayonetta 2 contains that energy of those in search of redemption, conveyed in the best possible way: not at the service of someone (a further praise Nintendo deserves it for never having influenced the work of PlatinumGames), but at the service of themselves. It is a beautiful story, that of the game, and in a few days we will be able to welcome its evolution: we can't wait.