Genshin Impact, the Shirogane-sama Ganyu cosplay is wonderful

Genshin Impact
Ganyu, the half-human, half-qilin fighter from Genshin Impact, relives in the wonderful cosplay made by Shirogane-sama, who thought it was the right time to put on the character's shoes again. And we agree.A few days after the announcement of the anime of Genshin Impact in collaboration with ufotable, the Russian model is back to interpreting Ganyu, once again giving us a lesson in professionalism: costume, hairstyle, makeup and post- processing are perfect.
The pose assumed by Shirogane, however, effectively communicates the character of the blue-haired warrior: shy and silent but at the same time determined, skilled and endowed with devastating powers, which she uses in battle to have the better on any opponent.
If you like Shirogane-sama cosplay, of course, you are spoiled for choice: among her latest interpretations A2 from NieR: Automata, Marin from My Dress-Up stand out Darling, Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 and Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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Genshin Impact 3.1: What we know about Cyno's character so far
As the General Mahamatra of the Sumeru Akademiya, Cyno strikes an imposing figure. But that intimidating side of him belies his knack for telling bad jokes and love for Genius Invokation TCG. (Photo: HoYoverse)
Genshin Impact's upcoming version 3.1 will see the long-awaited debut of Cyno, the 5-star Electro polearm wielder and General Mahamatra of the Sumeru Akademiya.
Long-time fans know Cyno as the featured character for Sumeru in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail and as the mage brought in by Lisa who saved Collei from her affliction in the Genshin Impact prequel manga.
But other than that, much about Cyno is still shrouded in mystery, at least until the release of version 3.1.
However, there have been crumbs left here and there that helps to shed some light on who the General Mahamatra really is. So, here's what we know about Cyno's character so far.
The discipline master of the AkademiyaCyno is an intimidating figure in the Sumeru Akademiya.
As the General Mahamatra, Cyno works to discipline and mete punishments on scholars who delve into shady work, like misappropriating funds, plagiarism, academic fraud, bribery, and other education-related crimes.
With what we know about Aaru Village being home to exiled scholars, we can surmise that one of the harsher sentences Cyno can pass down to a criminal scholar is to banish them from the Akademiya.
In his character teaser, we see get to see Cyno in action. He ventures deep into the desert to hunt down a wayward scholar, who tells his Eremite bodyguards that the General Mahamatra should be feared despite his small stature.
An interesting observation is that Cyno’s design heavily draws inspiration from Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead who judges those who seek to enter the afterlife, pitting their hearts on a scale against a feather.
If the heart is lighter than the feather or is of equal weight, Anubis will deem the mortal worthy to enter the afterlife.
Seeing as Cyno is the adjudicator to the Scholars of Sumeru, the design choice is very fitting.
His relationship with TighnariBut despite his intimidating demeanor as the General Mahamatra, Cyno does have a softer side.
Story continues
In Tighnari's Character Story 4, it's revealed that Tighnari and Cyno became friends after the General Mahamatra found the Forest Ranger to be 'upright and reliable' while performing his duties.
It was also through this friendship that Cyno entrusted Tighnari with caring for Collei after the events of the Genshin Impact prequel manga.
Tighnari also confirmed in his About Cyno voiceline that the General Mahamatra visits Ghandarva Ville in secret from time to time to check up on Collei.
Although Cyno does his best to go unnoticed, the fluffy ears of the Head Forest Ranger could not be fooled.
Collei is a bit more reserved when it comes Cyno. In her voiceline about Cyno, Collei says she'd prefer not to talk about the General Mahamatra.
But this isn't because Cyno scares Collei — rather it's because the trauma of what she went through in Mondstadt is a constant reminder to her whenever the General Mahamatra is in the room.
But other than that, Cyno and Collei still maintain a good relationship, where she entertains him over dinner and they just hang out together.
Cyno also has a propensity to make really bad dad jokes.
As mentioned in the version 3.1 preview livestream, the General Mahamatra takes his time thinking up a joke that is so unfunny he ends up explaining how the joke works to the unfortunate soul who ends up having to listen to him.
Maybe it’s Cyno’s effort to seem a bit less intimidating to his peers, but imagining him discussing the semantics of his joke in his deadpan manner really doesn’t help with his image.
There was once a traveler, stranded in the desert and dying of thirst, who in desperation prayed for a Hydro Slime to come their way. But the traveler didn't realize that at that very moment, a starving Hydro Slime was praying to meet a lone, stranded traveler... What, not funny? Tsk, I think it's hysterical.One of Cyno's many bad jokes
Aside from telling bad jokes, Cyno's other favourite pastime is Genius Invokation TCG, the trading card game that is planned to be added to Genshin Impact as a permanent game mode in version 3.3.
Arataki Itto and Kamisato Ayato are two playable characters known to be avid fans of the game, though keen-eyed Travelers may also notice Eremites playing it while idling in their camps.
But Cyno takes it to another level.
As Dori shares in her Cyno voiceline, she was the one who supplied all the Genius Invokation TCG merch she could get to Cyno, who paid in full and never even haggled.
Take it from the General Mahamatra himself, he loves Genius Invokation TCG. In one of his voicelines about himself, Cyno calls the card game 'an art form.'
In my free time, I like to play Genius Invokation TCG with other people. Being able to express so much creativity and variation within a working rule set makes it more than just a game — it's an art form.Cyno on Genius Invokation TCG
I'm personally looking forward to see how serious Cyno can get when the Traveler challenges him to a du-du-du-du-duel... or game of Genius Invokation TCG.
Cyno is a stoic guy with a goofy, soft side, and we’re sure fans will grow to love him even further once he is released with version 3.1, coming on 28 September.
Genshin Impact is currently in version 3.0, which will run until 28 September and features the release of Sumeru, Dendro, new characters, and a ton of other content.
Genshin Impact versions 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 will have shortened run times of five weeks instead of the usual six weeks, likely to catch up to the game's original release schedule after the release of version 2.7 was delayed back in April.
Yan Ku is a full-time dog parent, part-time (gacha) gamer, and part-time writer.
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