Assassin’s Creed Infinity: what it is and what we know

Assassin’s Creed Infinity
To celebrate 15 years of the Assassin's Creed saga, Ubisoft shared with the public many news related to the future of the series during the Ubisoft Forward on September 10th. Among the information learned there is also something about the new Assassin's Creed Infinity project, which is outlined as something very different from the speculations made a few days ago. In this article we will try to dispel as many doubts as possible about the nature of the project, telling you everything you need toa> know about Assassin's Creed Infinity.Certainties
Assassin's Creed Infinity is not a game , the next release is Mirage Assassin's Creed Infinity is not a game, and this we can say with certainty. Marc Alexis Côté, executive producer of the entire franchise, said it during the Ubisoft Forward and reiterated it during a press conference (in which we attended and you can read the report at this link).Infinity will be "the only entry point for our fans to the Assassin's Creed franchise for the future". A sort of personal Animus, available to players to consult at will? Côté answers in the affirmative to her colleague's question during the Forward and then continues "Infinity will be a platform that will unite all our experiences and all players in sensible ways."
The fact that Infinity is an online platform though it is not to be confused with an online multiplayer game, which actually exists, but is called Codename Invictus; is still in an embryonic phase, and for the occasion some figures have been mobilized who took part in the development of For Honor and Rainbow Six Siege, the excellence that Ubisoft can offer in terms of multiplayer experience.
Assassin's Creed Infinity will put the saga's narrative universe within reach of all players Côté goes a little further during the press conference, defining the next next generation hub of the saga. "The central theme around which Infinity develops is the exploration of DNA ... it is as if we take an Animus and insert it into your desktop. From there you can jump back in time and explore the memories that we will offer you. This abstraction works also in the opposite sense, to support future games that do not yet exist. This hub will arrive on all experiences (here it would have made sense to talk about platforms, but Côté uses the term experience, ed.), opening up new possibilities. creative view provides developers with the tools to deliver to the public a diversified experience offer, which goes beyond the traditional one, but which can be known and experienced by the public as triple A titles. manifests all the operations carried out on the franchise and helps us shift the audience's attention from one product to another. Secondly, the Infinity hub is where our meta-stories and will be collected and synchronized with the game timeline. (...) During the next phase we will take better care of the meta-narratives related to the series and this hub will help us in the enterprise ".
Assassin's Creed Infinit will give continuity to all the events narrated in the saga Described in this way, Assassin's Creed Infinity is configured as a great collector of information dedicated to the saga, a mega encyclopedia that can be consulted at any time that collects and deepens all the productions related to the series with the same dignity, no matter they are these are related to triple A games, minor spin offs or even TV series or comics. And this is certainly a good thing, coupled with the admission of having derailed a bit over the years with the meta-stories of the saga. In addition, there are several episodes minors to collect narrative aspects or trivially really interesting characters, which deserve a deepening: the adventures of Assassin's Creed Chronicles, the spin-off Liberation on PlayStation Vita and the list is mon ga. The only doubt perhaps is understanding what Ubisoft will decide to introduce in the canon of the saga ... yes Assassin's Creed movie, we're talking about you.During the Forward, however, it is mentioned that Infinity will have an online component without being a multiplayer experience. Here is very useful what was said during the press conference regarding Ubisoft Connect. We are talking about a free service to which it is necessary to sign up in order to play Ubisoft titles, a private account from which the player can access all Ubisoft experiences and any in-game rewards. In Assassin's Creed, for example, in parallel with trophies and achievements related to PlayStation and Xbox respectively, experience points are accumulated that can be spent to unlock exclusive content. We strongly believe that Infinity can become an enhanced and vertical version of Ubisoft Connect for the Assassin's Creed saga: login and access are done with your Connect data, but everything is focused exclusively on the contents of the series. Without forgetting the role of virtual space of the community, where nothing prevents the inclusion of forums or virtual meeting places for fans, so dear to Ubisoft.
So those rumors that Baghdad and feudal Japan wanted were not so wrong. as Infinity settings. Today we know that those are not simple chapters, but the theater of Assassin's Creed Mirage, formerly Codename Rift, and Codename Red, respectively. Of course, if we wanted to go even further, and try to predict the future of at least 10 years, in this ecosystem, the Assassin's Creed saga lives and thrives on Scalar, the cloud computing engine that seems to be Ubisoft's flagship but , we know, we're letting our imagination run wild.
Internal philosophy
Codename Red is the first chapter of the new phase of the Assassin's Creed franchise During the press conference, however, Côté he also referred to Infinity in other terms. "Infinity is also a name that we use internally to describe the new production philosophy and that we want our teams to embrace while working on Assassin's Creed." In a news published on the Ubisoft website in July 2022 it can be read: "The new structure is based on the collaboration between several studios and will be directed by Marc-Alexis Côté, as Executive Producer of the Assassin's Creed series. (... ) This change is part of the general evolution of the video game industry. The pandemic and remote working have changed the way we produce games and this has allowed us to rethink our organizational structure. (...) alternating game management between different studios, we believe this decision represents a unique opportunity for one of the most popular Ubisoft series: to flourish in a more integrated and collaborative context, less focused on individual studios and more focused on talents and directors, to regardless of their physical location ".Codename Hexe adds further variety to the offer of the Côté franchise, making us share in the objectives that The Assassin's Creed saga will aim for the future, aiming at fundamental points: consolidating the brand's position in the triple A market, reaching the audience with products born from cross-media partnerships (such as the Netflix TV series) and betting on new projects for to be able to expand the use of the series. Put simply, Ubisoft wants to create a range of experiences for all tastes, for all budgets and for all lifestyles, so that every user can find his own way.
Looking only at the next offer in terms of video games, Assassin's Creed Mirage will be a return to the origins of the saga, but the open word RPG nature will continue to survive in Codename Red, and for those who want to experience the same formula on mobile, they can do so with Codename Jade. And again, Hexe seems to be taking a decidedly dark turn for the series and who knows what they will bring out with the multiplayer of Codename Invictus. If we then add to all this everything that has already been created plus everything that will come, adding even the TV series, TV series and novels, having access to a hub that orders and organizes all this is absolutely essential.
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