Telegram, Apple blocked the latest update due to a new set of emojis

Telegram, Apple blocked the latest update due to a new set of emojis


Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, wrote a message on his Telegram channel to explain why Apple was blocking the latest update of the widely used messaging application.

Apparently the reason why the update stuck in the maze of Apple's review system, until it was released in the past few hours, is a new set of emojis, called Telemoji, which Durov described as high-quality vector versions of the standard emojis, of which he has also published a preview.

Basically they are emoji similar to the standard ones used by Apple, but with nice animations.

Durov continued his message by stating that the blocking was a strange move on Apple's part, because the new emojis would bring a new dimension to Apple's low-res ones and enrich its ecosystem, while still without clarifying how. Durov probably intends it would have made it more pleasant and modern, but we specify that it is our interpretation.

Indeed, Apple's move is not clear, as this is definitely not the first set of new emojis it has had to verify and that Telegram itself already offers many others in its iOS version.

Telegram's latest update is precisely aimed at expanding its emojis, with users being able to upload their own sets to be used by subscribers to the application's premium service.

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