How do you ask for the sbattezzo

Why does infant baptism go against Italian law? How can you get baptized? Where and how to send the letter? How long does it take to get baptized? Other useful information on sbattezzo Why does the baptism of minors go against Italian law? According to the Constitutional Court (with judgment 234 of 1984) membership in any religious community must be based on the will of the person and not on that of the parents or guardians. Therefore, according to Italian law, a boy or a girl is unable to express their will to adhere to any confession, especially before they have even learned to speak as often happens for baptism.
Furthermore , according to law 196 of 2003, religious affiliation is considered a sensitive data, just like trade union and political affiliation, sexual life and the health of the individual. Therefore, just as the law prevents parents from enrolling their minor children in a trade union, a political party, an association, it should equally prevent them from joining a religious organization.
How can you get baptized? In order to be baptized, you must be at least 16 years old or have obtained, in the case of a minor, the authorization of your parents. To do this, all you need to do is send a letter to the priest of the parish where you received baptism, expressing your will not to be part of the Catholic Church anymore. At this link provided by Uaar, you can find an example of what to write in the letter, containing the essential data for the successful outcome of the request.
Where and how to send the letter The letter must be sent by registered mail with return receipt, by email or fax, provided you know the email address or telephone number, or delivered personally. It is always important to obtain a receipt signed by the parish priest certifying the delivery of the document, the return receipt in case of registered letter and to keep track of the communication, to avoid being ignored by ecclesiastical officials.
For Italian jurisprudence it is the parish priest and no one else who can proceed with the sbattezzo. If you do not know the parish of baptism, you can search the portal of the Italian Bishops' Conference or ask for help from Uaar, via the email address Alternatively, it is possible to ask the parish where communion, confirmation or marriage took place, asking for the communication of data relating to the parish where baptism was received.
How long does it take to be baptized? Parishes are required by law to respond to the request for sbattezzo within 15 days of receiving the request. In order for the act to be successful, the officials must send a letter to the applicant or applicant in which they declare that they have noted on the baptismal certificate and on the register of baptized persons, what is required by the "sbattezzando".
In the event of failure to reply from the religious authority, it is possible to appeal to the Privacy Guarantor who is required to intervene to enforce their wishes. Also in this case, the UAAR offers its assistance. The appeal is free and can be made through a complaint or report.
Other useful information on sbattezzo Requesting sbattezzo does not affect in any way your marriage, if you were married in church, or on the sacraments of others if you have had the role of wedding witness or godfather or godmother of baptism or confirmation. Furthermore, no cash contribution is due for the expenses incurred by the parish to proceed with the sbattezzo.
In some countries (but not Italy), getting involved can also guarantee some economic advantages. In Germany or Austria you can be taxed for membership in the Catholic Church, for an amount equal to about 60 euros per month on a salary of 2 thousand euros.