Everywhere, analysis of the debut trailer at Gamescom 2022

Everywher was everywhere and nowhere: the ambitious project of Build a Rocket Boy, the team founded by former Rockstar Games Leslie Benzies, was considered by some as anti-GTA, by others as pure vaporware and in any case nothing. that could ever bother the series of hundreds of millions of copies sold that Benzies himself helped to create.The promotional communication relating to the game took place mostly through rumors and self-styled leaks which, however, always proved to be unfounded, but they seemed to aim, if nothing else, to keep alive the "buzz" around the title, shown only with some extremely generic artwork and which revealed nothing of the kind of experience we would be facing.
Well, at Gamescom 2022 the wait is finally over and during the Opening Night Live hosted by Geoff Keighley we could see the creature of Leslie Benzies in action: here is our analysis of the trailer for Everywhere.
The traile r
Everywhere, one of the game's scenarios Scenarios, landscapes, different biomes: the first part of the Everywhere trailer looks like a roundup of settings that are obviously part of the game, which we will be able to explore and within which we will be able to try our hand at different activities. We start with a futuristic city rising in the middle of what looks like a desert, then we see the desert itself and its red rocks, while a couple of buggies whiz by at full speed.At this point it's time of a luxuriant forest, with tall trees that point towards the sky, which finally gives way to what appears to be the interior of a volcano, with boiling magma, fumes and sparks. When the turn comes for a new look at a desert environment, the video montage changes and the sequences become collages, alternating these open spaces in the middle of nature with aseptic, metallic places, in which some characters move.
The roundup focuses for a second on the scene of a musical show, to underline the social implications of this experience, and it is at that point that we take action: we see people fighting in the field of mechanics from third-person shooter extremely similar to those of Fortnite, and then again car races: the two activities alternate while the squares get smaller and smaller and the Everywhere logo appears.
The trailer, however, is not finished: we see a man who appears to have a flashback with mysterious symbols, rockets flying into space, open wounds, small and large explosions. Are they memories of the world that was there before? Is there therefore also narrative depth within a project presented so far as everything and nothing, a little Grand Theft Auto 5 and a little Ready Player One? At this point we are eager to find out.
What and when
Everywhere, the character seen at the end of the trailer Everywhere promises an innovative open world experience and will make its debut in the course of 2023, although it is not yet clear what the reference platforms are for the first Build a Rocket Boy project. The press release talks about a game capable of "blending gameplay, adventure, creativity and discovery into a multi-world experience that redefines the way users can connect with each other and with the scenery around them" ."Our goal has always been to push the limits of what a video game can be, while delivering an innovative experience that puts the player first," said Leslie Benzies. "The team we have built and the partners who have decided to accompany us since the founding of the firm are all determined to realize this peculiar vision. Being part of it is exciting and we can't wait to reveal more."
Preliminary sensations
Everywhere, one of the scenarios shown in the trailer It is obviously still too early to get a precise idea of what Everywhere really is and what it offers, although in theory the game will be in our hands already in the next year and there will be a way to prove it. The works should therefore be well advanced and there is great curiosity about what a fundamentally small and novice team has been able to achieve, even more so considering the great ambitions of the project.Per the moment the feeling is of a somewhat generic title without a precise identity, indeed quite derivative in many of the aspects presented with the trailer, but we will have to wait at least for a gameplay video to understand how many possibilities the new Benzies creature has carve out a place in the current gaming landscape. Certainly something has changed: compared to before, Everywhere has our attention now.
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