Zack Snyder's Justice League remains epic even with bots

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Zack Snyder's Justice League remains epic even with bots
Bots are everywhere… but so are fans Zack Snyder's Justice League: vision vs commerciality Zack Snyder's Justice League: an epic film made to measure for comic readersBots are everywhere ... but also fans
Before delving into the intrinsic value of Zack Snyder's Justice League, it is good to immediately underline some parts of the same article mentioned in the open have been deliberately overlooked by the detractors of the volcanic director and more generally of the film in question. Specifically, some agencies had already noticed unusual patterns in many discussions concerning the two hashtags such as massive retweet waves at certain times or days and so on: in short, the numbers were impressive but the more in-depth ones had already revised downwards the estimates. Furthermore, we must not confuse the presence of bots with that of a small group of toxic fans who came to threaten professionals and the WarnerMedia management and that Zack Snyder himself condemned right away.All this, however, must not affect a movement made up of fans genuinely interested in the film and the director's vision and which, fortunately, transcends the realm of mere social media. We recall in fact that the film is dedicated to Autumn, Zack Snyder's daughter just twenty years old who committed suicide and to whose memory various initiatives and fundraisers for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention have also been dedicated.
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Vision vs Commerciality
Zack Snyder's Justice League was an event. Net of the viral campaign, the incredible vicissitudes in the making of the film are reminiscent of those of the masterpiece Gone with the Wind (a risky comparison but one that cinema experts will certainly find fitting) between changes behind the camera, dramas and controversies before, during and after. the shooting and disappointment and resignation at the time its release in theaters back in 2017. This film was the triumph of a director's creativity and vision on not too clear market and commercial logics dictated by an often uneducated, distracted and indifferent audience. In this sense, the film version of the film is a burning proof of this paradigm.Buy Zack Snyder's Justice League on Blu-ray + Bly-ray Ultra HD 4K on Amazon
Zack Snyder's Justice League: An epic film made for comic readers
Zack Snyder's Justice League not it will never cease to generate discussions and controversies also and above all because it is a film that keeps the authorial imprint of its director extremely recognizable. But that's not all.Even today, Zack Snyder's Justice League remains a film that is "seen" like a comic and "reads" like a film. It is an epic 240-minute ride that brings the viewer closer to the experience of reading a (massive) comic book for a return to that epic and mythical dimension that brings these characters closer to their counterparts of classical mythology whether it is spoken about. of iconography or aesthetics and of action sequences with their inevitable suspension of the incredible up to the reach of a plot that is as linear as it is epic and capable of delving deeply into the characters as much in their "fullness" as in their "empty".
While the genre of cinecomics has sadly codified itself, apart from some brilliant exceptions, in showing a humanity of heroes flattened towards a free and banal everyday life, Zack Snyder has elevated it to the archetype of tribulations, of joys and of the choices of the lived experience fully understanding the ethos, the pathos and also the hubris of these characters. In a historical moment in which pop culture has become a machine capable of generating a hype as strong as the use of its products is fast, Zack Snyder's Justice remains a beacon of what is possible to do with love, dedication and above all with respect for these characters and more generally with everything that revolves around pop culture, rediscovering the true and vital ways in which it has flourished over the course of over 50 years.