Will GTA 6 be politically correct? You have just discovered satire

GTA IV (2008) Let's start with the facts: the world of video games is still a strongly sexist world. In addition to Activision Blizzard, even in Rockstar Games there was (at least according to some testimonies) a "bro culture", a male camaraderie that made work unsuitable for female figures, potentially victims of harassment and career slowdowns. We will not judge: we are not called to be judges, nor are we a court. If the allegations are true and the work environment has changed, so be it and we are all happier about it. What we don't understand, however, is how one can think that the productive values of an upcoming chapter of Grand Theft Auto have been killed by politically correct. Or rather, we understand it and it is a bit of a defeat of the times, because it means that that part of the public has never understood what GTA really was, what the brand represented and the history of that franchise.| ); }
The Statue of Happiness, satire on Hillary Clinton of GTA 4. Do you really think that similar elements will be missing in the next chapter? There is a reason why Rockstar Games has chosen this path. And we have already had a confirmation: in GTA 5 elements that offended certain people have been removed. Removal did not take anything away from the game, it simply made it more inclusive, eliminating possible discrimination. Trevor is still a fool, Michael keeps shooting and Franklin is still the guy with the desire for money and a decent life. And beware, it is not necessarily a choice that is reflected in the writing of the characters: a homophobic protagonist or a clearly racist NPC will always be present in the game, a bit like Cartman with South Park. Eric is the classic character from which not to take an example, and it is precisely the goal of the producers of the TV series, exactly how Trevor is inserted to make it clear how one does not behave and how one risks becoming after years of abuse and uncontrolled anger. . If this was not clear to you from the beginning, we are sorry: you have probably lost some keys on the way, but now you have found them.