Updates on the new wave of Hunter x Hunter chapters

Updates on the new wave of Hunter x Hunter Chapters
The author points out that he has completed the drafting process of the ten new chapters he has done during this time. The author, continuing, declares that there may be revisions and that he will start drawing the next ten chapters.This is actually great news. Also judging by the words of one of the author's assistants, which emerged on May 25, a new wave of ten chapters was expected, but there was no certainty that the author would go on for another ten. Togashi himself, at the time of the revelation of the official Twitter account stated that 4 chapters were missing compared to the storyboard of May 24 (suggesting that he would have made ten chapters and that six of them had already received a first hand).
Togashi-sensei further encourages enthusiasts by declaring that he currently has a flood of drafts made and that he will announce how the inking of the previous ten manuscripts is progressing.
取 り 敢 え ず 人物 ペ ン 入 れ 10 話 分 完了。
修正 あ る か も だ け ど!
引 き 続 き 次 の 10 話 分 の 原稿 進 め ま す。
併 せ て ペ ン 入 れ 完了 10 話 の 進 捗 状況 も
お 知 ら せ し て い き ま す。 # ネ ー ム だ け は ま だ ま だ あ る の で pic.twitter.com/pRvn18C6AK
- 冨 樫 義 博 (@ Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp) July 26, 2022| ); }
Again, plate 19 of the last chapter of the new decade (potentially it will be chapter 400) appears Kurapika and Togashi-sensei reveals how he made it:
pic.twitter.com/ koqXgooCAG
- 冨 樫 義 博 (@ Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp) July 25, 2022 | For the moment, deceiving the wait, we invite you to take a look at a summary of what has happened in the manga scene of Weekly Shonen Jump since Togashi's last hiatus.
After not even being able to sit on a chair for two years, I abandoned my old ways of doing things and I was able to resume writing Hunter x Hunter. Recently I was not even able to freshen up after physiological needs, otherwise I would have had to use the shower. I recommend everyone to take care of your back and if something falls at the exhibition pay attention to the posture when you pick it up from the ground. Currently to draw I am lying on a sofa with my head and back supported by a pillow.
Hunter x Hunter: manga and anime
Hunter x Hunter is a written manga and drawn by Yoshihiro Togashi, also known for his previous work Yu of the ghosts, serialized, between various pauses also caused by the author's health problems, in the weekly magazine Weekly Shonen Jump since 1998.In Italy the manga is published by Planet Manga, which has published three reprints.
The first series was followed, from 2002 to 2004, by three series of OVA, always produced from the same company, which take the plot from the saga of York Shin City, where the first series was interrupted, and cover the entire saga of Greed Island. In total there are 30 OVAs and having been created specifically for the home video market, in Japan, they have never been broadcast on a television network while in Italy they were always broadcast on Italia 1 from 29 January to 17 May 2008.
Madhouse has subsequently created a new series, which aired from 2 October 2011 in Japan on the NTV channel. It is a reboot of the first anime more faithful than the previous one: it recounts the whole story of the previous series and, starting from episode 76, continues with the next part of the manga's plot.
From November 30, 2021 Prime Video distributes for the first time the dubbing in Italian, by Dynit, of the 2011 adaptation with the first three seasons available.
A great success of the manga (two million copies sold only in Japan!), which has generated equally popular cartoons and RPGs, finally arrives in an Italian edition! From the imagination of Yoshihiro Togashi, the author of "Yuu Yuu of the ghosts", a new comic series in original format with the amazing adventures of four characters all hunting for the coveted license of Hunter ... the Hunter! Although their goal is the same, through the terrible obstacles encountered in the exam to obtain the license, Gon, Killua, Kurapica and Leorio will soon become ... inseparable!