The five reasons why you have not yet purchased an electric car

Those who choose to buy an electric car today, in fact, have to deal with several cons as well as, of course, with many pro. This is a possible choice even if for a good slice of motorists it is probably still very early to evaluate, in a real way, the transition to electric cars, at least as the first family car. The problems to be solved are still different.
The problems of electric cars are different and, in one way or another, they could discourage the purchase of a completely zero-emission car, at least for some potential buyers . In fact, when evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars, a series of elements should be taken into consideration in order to have a clear understanding of the problems and real strengths of zero-emission vehicles.
Below, therefore, we are going to analyze 5 problems of electric cars that, to date, have not yet been solved. These problems could represent an insurmountable obstacle for many motorists in choosing to switch to zero-emission mobility. In any case, over the next few years, at least some of these problems could be solved, making it easier to buy a zero-emission car.| ); }
The purchase price
In the 5 problems of current electric cars that we are going to analyze below we do not include the difference of cost between an electric car and a petrol / diesel car. This difference, only partially reduced by car incentives, will continue to represent an obstacle to the full spread of zero-emission cars, at least as far as the mass market is concerned. For a complete electrification of the sector, in fact, it will be necessary to eliminate or at least significantly reduce this difference.Delivery times
One of the main problems related to the diffusion of electric cars is represented by the delivery times that customers must take into consideration before being able to drive the ordered vehicle. Many manufacturers are struggling to increase production volumes to meet the growing demand for zero-emission mobility (largely supported by various car incentives such as the eco-bonus present in Italy since last May).This is a an aspect to be given great consideration when choosing the car to buy. In fact, many motorists may not be able or unwilling to purchase an electric car and have to wait several months for the actual delivery of the vehicle ordered. The problems with the long delivery times do not concern only the so-called "pre-orders", made practically in a poke for models still in pre-production.
Without too many laps of words, we can undoubtedly say that, even today, autonomy represents one of the main problems for the electric car sector, especially for those who need to travel many kilometers in a short period of time, such as a working day. For use in the city, in fact, zero-emission cars are, in many cases, an optimal choice, thanks also to reduced management costs for recharging and an autonomy capable of guaranteeing several days of use (in hypothesis of a daily distance of a few tens of kilometers).Things change and in a significant way when one passes to long distances. Those who use the car for work, for example, may need to travel hundreds of kilometers in a single day. In this condition of use, choosing an electric car becomes very difficult. Most of the zero-emission models currently available on the four-wheeler market in Italy struggle to reach a real range of 500 kilometers.
Relying on a vehicle that cannot offer the necessary autonomy (and also something more) to cover your daily needs is most likely a wrong choice. To meet the needs of motorists who have to travel many kilometers in a short time (for example in a day), electric cars will have to take a further step forward in terms of autonomy.
Charging times
The cost of charging electric cars continues to be affordable, despite the generalized increase in electricity prices. However, some problems remain for electric cars related to battery charging methods. These problems are closely related to what was seen in the previous point. Charging times continue to be high.Refueling is certainly quicker than refilling, even if only partially, the battery of an electric car. The lengthening of "refueling" times can represent a significant problem for many motorists. Even in this scenario, in fact, the context of use matters. Using the electric car during your working day could make it impossible to stop for 30 minutes for a partial recharge (but necessary to reach the autonomy of operation to cover daily journeys).
To ensure greater diffusion of electric cars it is therefore necessary that recharge times are significantly reduced. Then there is another aspect to consider: the spread of fast charging. The public columns able to offer support for fast charging are still fewer than the columns that guarantee a "standard" speed for charging.
The entire electric car sector (in Italy as in the rest of Europe considering the goal of stopping sales of petrol and diesel cars) will have to make huge strides over the next few years. The charging infrastructure will have to grow both in terms of the spread of columns and in terms of support for fast charging. Only in this way, in fact, could one of the main problems of electric cars be solved, once and for all.
The electric network can support the transition to a zero emissions?
The ability of the electricity grid to be able to "handle" a complete electrification of the car sector (or more generally of road transport, also considering light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses) is a very topical issue. The issue is hotly debated in the US and, in particular, in California, one of the American states that is investing most in support for zero-emission cars. In Europe, however, the issue has not yet been dealt with in detail.The current energy crisis entails, however. various considerations, both economic and infrastructural. The ability to guarantee the electricity necessary for road transport is to be verified. In the near future, it may be necessary to adapt the European infrastructure, both in terms of recharging points and electricity distribution capacity.
Support for renewables and, in particular, photovoltaics could also be essential to counter another problem related to the electricity grid. With the cost of electricity continuing to increase, in fact, Europe and, in particular, Italy is called upon to reduce its dependence on the import of energy as much as possible (not only from Russia, for geopolitical reasons, but in general).
With self-production supported by photovoltaics, a decrease in the unit cost of electricity charged to the end user could be recorded and also the possibility for the national electricity grid to support a growing demand for electricity, due to the need to supply the entire fleet in circulation (within a few decades it is possible to hypothesize truly zero-emission mobility).
Towing with an electric car is still a problem: autonomy drops abruptly
The problems of electric cars linked to autonomy are also reflected in other possible contexts of use. Take, for example, the case of towing another vehicle which may be necessary both in leisure time and for work reasons. This operation forces an electric car to carry a considerable mass. In addition to its own weight (already very high due to the battery pack), the car will also have to take care of the towed mass.For the electrical system this is an additional effort which, inevitably, will result in an abrupt decrease in autonomy. The batteries, both for reasons of costs and dimensions and weight, are limited and the increase in the mass to be transported significantly affects the effective autonomy of operation. Considering the problems already seen above (the reduced mileage with a full charge and the long recharge times), the case of towing a vehicle with an electric car can, without a doubt, be considered as one of the current problems of zero cars. emissions.