Minecraft: 5 essential mods to play at your best

Minecraft needs no introduction: it is without a doubt the most popular sandbox ever today, which has managed to unite millions of players of all ages on a single platform. The game now carries more than ten on its shoulders, but continues to be constantly updated with the implementation of new fresh and innovative content. Despite this, however, it must be admitted that the mods created by the community for the game of cubes are a very important addition to the gaming experience, and it can almost be said that some of these can be safely defined as essential to make your own. game as enjoyable as possible.Precisely regarding this, in this article we wanted to make a small list of some of the most important mods for those who love Minecraft, but at the same time would also like something more from the game, without going to change the original experience too much. In the following paragraphs, in fact, you will find mods whose purpose is simply to improve the title on several fronts, so as to make it even more "perfect" than it already was.
Before proceeding, if you need instructions to install mods on Minecraft you can consult our special guide.
# 1 - OptiFine
| ); }First, the OptiFine implements within the title many settings related to graphics. It allows, for example, to reduce the details of specific elements of the game to facilitate the performance of our PC, but it can also do the exact opposite, that is to improve certain elements such as snow or grass (at the cost of the performance of our machine. , obviously). There are also further settings for the elements in the distance and, more importantly, a list of animations where you can decide which ones to keep active and which not, for greater fluidity during your game.
Some settings are also available to customize the contents visible on the screen, set the stop time to night or day, auto-save and much more. The most popular function is undoubtedly that of dynamic lighting, which means that objects that usually emit light when placed, can do so even when they are in the player's hand, or on the ground in the form of a drop. It would be worth installing this mod even for the latter feature alone, which saves industrial amounts of flashlights for players while exploring dark places.
# 2 - Just Enough Items
Minecraft Just Enough Items is undoubtedly the most useful mod for novice players, but also for more veterans who may not remember any crafting. Overall, it's great for anyone who doesn't feel like jumping constantly between Minecraft and the wiki in search of recipes for crafting certain items. The add-on, available only for Forge (for Fabric there is an excellent alternative called Roughly Enough Items), adds a list containing all the objects in the game, and it is possible to interact with each of them to get more information about.
If, for example, you do not know the crafting of a certain object, or you simply do not remember it, with this mod you just need to open the inventory and search for it through the appropriate list, and then view the recipe by simply pressing the R button on it. In addition, by pressing U it is also possible to view all the uses that a certain object can have, concerning not only the use in different crafting recipes, but also the exact amount of fuel that it can eventually supply in a furnace, the specific spells with the which can be changed, and other options.
# 3 - AppleSkin
Minecraft Similar to the previous mod, AppleSkin implements some basic "hidden" elements in the game, especially useful for survival. The add-on is available for Forge and Fabric, and primarily affects the player’s hunger bar. In fact, a bar will appear that will show how much is missing to lose the hunger points. Furthermore, when this is full, a kind of aura will appear on the legs that will indicate the remaining "time" before hunger starts to wear off.
Obviously the mod also works on objects that the player can to eat. All these, in fact, will show the precise legs that they will recover, so as to know what type of food to take with you and consume it so as not to waste it. This is especially essential in the first moments of the game, when you still don't have stable methods of recovering food, but also for the less experienced who simply need to know how hungry each food restores.
Minecraft is available on all major consoles, and you can buy it on Amazon.
# 4 - JourneyMap
Minecraft JourneyMap is undoubtedly one of the best mods to choose to facilitate exploration . As the name suggests, in fact, this add-on (available on Forge and Fabric) implements a minimap within the game that allows us to view our surroundings from a bird's-eye view. The advantages of this mod are therefore many: knowing what is around us helps enormously with exploration, almost completely removing the possibility of getting lost or wandering aimlessly for thousands of cubes.
The mod it does not just show us the blocks around us: in fact, it is also possible to view animals, mobs and villagers, and each of these options can be activated or deactivated as desired. It is also possible to view an underground map, which shows us the systems of caves located in the subsoil, therefore very useful for the search for underground structures, to name one.
The strong point of this mod undoubtedly concerns the points of interest . It is in fact possible to add brands in any place you want, so that you can come back, for example, at a later time. This is an extremely useful feature, which allows us to delve into our world and fully discover everything it has to offer without leaving anything behind.
# 5 - Shaders
Minecraft For the Shaders there would be more to open than a simple separate chapter. Surely any Minecraft player has heard of them at least once, but if not, the Shaders are a very substantial modification to the graphics that usually go to make the game images extremely realistic, often making the visual unrecognizable from the base game. Their aim is to transform the cube sandbox into something much closer to our reality, in order to make the experience not only more immersive, but also more beautiful to behold.
There are Shaders now a huge amount, so much so that there is plenty of choice. There is not necessarily one better than another, since it is a more subjective discourse. In fact, to choose the most suitable Shader package, our advice is simply to browse through the available options and find the one that suits you best. Many of these in fact offer very different experiences from each other, so you just have to go for the one that best reflects the graphics you are looking for.
Before proceeding, keep in mind that Shaders often require requirements system very high, depending on the type of changes that go to make to the game. Before downloading them, therefore, we recommend that you check that your PC can actually handle them, to avoid running into unwanted problems.