Ffp2 masks (and more): where to buy them and how to choose them

Ffp2 masks (and more)
We hoped that by the summer the ffp2 masks would become little more than a memory, but despite the heat it seems that the accounts with the covid-19 pandemic are far from closed. The greater contagiousness of the latest omicron variants has made the contagions go back and slow down the return to the pseudo-normality in which everyone hoped for the holidays.In this case, the personal aids of the ffp2 type, although no longer mandatory, will continue to be recommended in the workplace: the decision to impose them or leave discretion to employees - marks the latest update of the anti-covid protocol dated 30 June - will be up to the employer. For the rest, the ffp2 masks will remain mandatory in public transport.
The coronavirus pandemic is not over yet and the omicron variant, albeit in smaller quantities, remains in circulation among the population. In short, the demand for these products is not destined to decrease further, at least for the coming weeks. Millions of Italians will continue to have to find new masks periodically, even if the offer of these personal protective equipment is now definitely in line with the demand.
To orient yourself better and focus on the best products without too much research, we have updated our review of the best ffp2 and surgical masks to buy online, to find out where you can order them with a minimum advance and without spending too much, to never risk running out.
Surgical masks (Photo: R Move)
The classic surgical masks should be considered as a basic protection against contagion from Covid-19 and the relative omicron variant. Their composition is effective at blocking only the larger aerosol particles, while the shape is less suitable for adhering to the face. These features make the surgical masks suitable for outdoor use and in environments where the risk is lower, so much so that the latest government provisions still impose them as a minimum protective device in schools.
Fortunately, they are the cheapest devices and simple to produce, and are now easy to find both online and offline. The only precaution to follow in the purchase is to make sure that on the package there is the CE marking as medical device uni en 14683.
€ 9.99 - buy on amazon (100 pieces, black, € 0.10 / piece) 13.99 - buy on amazon (100 pieces, light blue, 0.14 € / piece) The ffp2 masks (Photo: Br Med)
According to the latest government regulations, the ffp2 masks are mandatory on means of transport, but they remain strongly recommended even inside the workplace.
The reason is simple: they are composed of a variable number of layers at the heart of which is positioned a filter with a weave of fibers that captures even the smallest aerosol particles; moreover, their conformation makes them more adherent to the face, preventing any particles from passing to the airways by entering from above. For these reasons they are considered the most suitable for stemming possible infections in risky environments.
After the explosion in demand that followed the spread of the omicron variant, the price of these masks has dropped to a minimum; However, to make large stocks or to always retrieve the same model and brand of dpi, online orders are still the best choice.
27,80 € - buy on amazon (50 pieces, 0,56 € / piece) 9 , 99 € - buy on amazon (20 pieces, 0,50 € / piece) 7,48 € - buy on amazon (20 pieces, 0,37 € / piece) The washable ffp2 (Photo: Unica)
Since these are disposable devices, the surgical masks and ffp2 that have been in circulation to date represent a considerable threat to the environment. For this reason, in recent months, variants of ffp2 masks certified for reuse have also slowly begun to spread. The latter can be recognized by two elements: the first is the wording next to the initials ffp2, which bears an “r” for reusable instead of an “nr” which instead stands for non-reusable; the second is the price, much higher than the classic ffp2 precisely due to the fact that they can be reused.
Some manufacturers guarantee reuse after 20 washes with soap and water, others reach 50. The calculation to be made to verify the convenience of the product it is based on the price of the single mask compared to the number of washes, then compared with that of a non-reusable type ffp2. On the other hand, there is the evaluation of the environmental impact of these devices, which is much lower than that of single-use items used on a large scale to date.
€ 19.99 - buy on amazon € 9.90 - buy on Dolomiti The geek alternative (Photo: Red Bubble)
After the first phase of the pandemic, the spread of cloth - or community - masks has started to decrease in favor of real and certified medical devices , more and more available on the market. Those who do not want to give up protection or style can continue to use them by wearing them over surgical masks or ffp2, depending on the occasion.
For science and law, these masks do not constitute sufficient protection from the threat of COVID-19; they cannot be used alone outdoors replacing the surgical ones, nor in places where the ffp2 are required. On the other hand, for this very reason they are not subject to certification and can therefore be chosen freely - provided that where required they are worn in addition to a valid dpi. Below are the links to the most geeks in circulation.
buy on redbubble buy on tostadora The colored ffp2 (Photo: Sicura)
Halfway between the sobriety of normal health masks and uniqueness of fabric products to be applied over the actual dpi, since 2020 the more affordable style alternative has made its way: wearing colored masks of less blinding shades than the blue and white of surgical and classic ffp2. From black that goes well with everything to the most unlikely colors, these masks can be purchased in large numbers and without fear of spending too much.
€ 49.99 - buy on amazon (black, 100 pieces, 0.49 € / piece) 29.99 € - buy on amazon (orange, 50 pieces, 0.60 € / piece) 29.99 € - buy on amazon (red, 50 pieces, 0.60 € / piece) 29.99 € - buy on amazon (purple, 50 pieces, 0,60 € / piece) 20,99 € - buy on amazon (yellow, 30 pieces, 0,69 € / piece)