Moon Knight Episode 6: Quotes and References in Gods and Monsters

Moon Knight Episode 6
And finally, Moon Knight also comes to its last episode, concluding, at least for now, the adventure of the Fist of Khonshu on Disney +. Six episodes that showed us a different way of telling the world of Marvel superheroes, touching the story of the most particular and atypical superheroes born in the House of Ideas, without forgetting to give Marvel Cinematic fans the traditional hunt for easter egg. A ritual that was repeated one last time, with the search for references and quotes in Moon Knight Episode 6.Subscribe now to Disney + for € 8.99 per month or € 89.90 per year Of course , continue reading could be a source of spoilers if you have not yet seen Gods and Monsters, which is why it would be preferable to read this hunt for the easter egg after watching Moon Knight Episode 6. The Moon Knight season finale will not be limited to offer us an interesting final chapter, but it will snatch some complicit smiles from the connoisseurs of the Marvelian hero comics.
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Moon Knight Episode 6: Quotes and References
Gods and Men
We feared his arrival throughout the series, but finally Harrow (Ethan Hawke) seems to have managed to free Ammit, the goddess of judgment, who shows herself in all her power. Ammit has the features of a crocodile, but her hair is reminiscent of the one sported by the paper version of her seen in the Lemire and Smallwood run, where she was the director of the psychiatric center where Marc was imprisoned. Role we have in the previous episode, Asylum, to be played by her avatar, Harrow.Appearing for the first time in Invaders # 23 (1977), created by Roy Thomas and Frank Robbins, Scarlet Scarab is the heroic identity of Professor Abdul Faoul, an Egyptian archaeologist who had decided to found a cult of followers of the ancient pharaohs, with the goal of driving the British out of Egypt. In his cartoon life he had been an indecipherable figure, at times a friend and at other times an adversary, but always with the interests of his nation at heart. Upon his death his powers passed to his son, Mehemet, who collided with Thor. It is interesting to note how the surname of the two paper characters resembles that of Layla El-Faouly, whose father was an archaeologist and who used to call her little beetle. Listening to the episode in the original language, you can also hear Khonshu calling it with that nickname, instead of the term 'ant' used in the Italian adaptation.
Uno e trino
For the whole series of Moon Knight we have seen signs that led us to believe that Marc and Steve weren't the only personalities Khonshu could rely on. The blackouts both personalities seemed to suffer from were ultimately explained by the presence of Jake Lockley, third and far more lethal personality of the character's tormented psyche.Jake's presence could be an element that will be developed in the future of the character, perhaps also providing this incarnation of Marc's psyche with its own costume. In case, we will certainly see Marc and Steven again, protagonists of an exciting embrace in the sands of the Duat that recalled the one seen in the pages of comics, when Lemire told Marc's farewell to his personalities, greeting accompanied by a tender hug to Steve.