Inis Big Box, the review: a Celtic epic

Inis Big Box, the review: a Celtic epic

Inis Big Box, the review

Inis is a highly appreciated competitive board game created by the game design studio Matagot and published in Italy by Studio Supernova, which offers it in an imposing Big Box version including the Inis Seasons expansion

This title for two- four players, who become five thanks to the expansion, sees the participants engage in matches lasting about sixty minutes to ensure the supremacy of the territory and become the supreme ruler of the various Celtic clans that inhabit the lands. Thanks to an excellent implementation of the mechanics of card darfting, majorities and territory control, Inis is able to offer players a very high degree of fun.

Inis, the setting

Inis is set during the height of the age of the ancient Celts, when history and legend come together in a single tale. Players take on the role of commanders who lead their clans across the seas. from Ireland to a new island. They settle down, explore the area, gather resources from the mines and build citadels and shrines to protect themselves. Bards tell the stories of gods and heroes, druids advise and master craftsmen immortalize Celtic civilization. Each commander believes he is the only one who has the right to reclaim the throne of the new island and become Ard-Ri, the great ruler of the new realm.

International Isotopes Inc (INIS)

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