Who is helping Ukraine the most

A database that allows first of all to quantify the commitment of governments and institutions such as the European Union in favor of 12.9 billion of the Ukrainian people. This graph shows the countries of origin of these resources.
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Here if you do not see the graph As you can see, the sum more consistent in absolute numbers came from the United States. Washington has in fact allocated 7.6 billion euros to support Ukraine. One figure, it should be remembered, updated on March 27th. It has likely grown over the past three weeks. Brussels, understood as the European Union, has allocated 1.42 billion, followed by Warsaw which, with 960 million euros, represents the third force in terms of economic support to Ukraine. Italy, represented in yellow in the graph, has made available 260 million euros.
The closest are also the most generous These are the figures in absolute numbers. To normalize this economic commitment, thus allowing the effort made by individual countries to be compared, the Kiel Institute also provides the figure as a percentage of gross domestic product. The result is in this infographic.
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Here if you don't see the infographic As you can see, Estonia is the nation that has made the greatest effort to support Ukraine, allocating a sum that is close to 0.8% of GDP. Followed by Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia: all countries bordering Ukraine or directly with Russia or with its ally Belarus. All countries that have been part, if not directly of the Soviet Union, of the Warsaw Pact.
Well, but what good are the resources allocated by the governments? The largest share, equal to 6.5 billion euros, concerned military supplies, while 4.9 billion went to humanitarian aid to the population. This is the detail of the breakdown of funds arriving from Western countries.
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Here if you do not see the graph In the graph the countries are sorted from top to bottom on the basis of the amount of the allocation in absolute numbers. It should be noted that there are some countries that have concentrated their support exclusively on humanitarian activities. Among these is Hungary, a nation whose President Viktor Orban has never hidden President Vladimir Putin's closeness to Russia and which has so far opposed the passage of military supplies to the Ukrainian army on its territory. However, these are weapons that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently asked for.