There are those who propose to exclude startups from the rules on business crises

"January was the best month after the best year ever," Francesco Cerruti, general manager of Italian Tech Alliance, an association that gathers investors and companies in the sector, tells In 2021 the psychological threshold of one billion euros invested was exceeded, reflecting the good state of health of the sector. “But if we broaden our gaze and make a comparison with other countries, the detachment remains evident. In France there are eleven billions, in Spain 6.6: Rome is in tenth place in the European Union. And that can't make us happy, ”he adds.
For this the Italian Tech Alliance has prepared a series of requests directed to the government. International tensions, the energy crisis and inflation do not help to focus attention on the problems of startups; but the sector cannot be abandoned. The future is at stake.
The proposals for Italian innovation The proposals of the association are collected in a handbook. Among them, the adoption of a Tech transfer Act to provide an updated regulatory framework for technology transfer, the process - that is - that brings university research to the market. "We call for the abolition of the 'professor's privilege' - notes Cerruti - and the attribution of patents to the university or to the research body, aligning the Italian legal framework with that of other European countries".
The list of wishes continues with the strengthening of the tax credit in research and development; the promotion of several mixed “funds of funds” with public-private capital; the creation of a system of concessions for those who invest in startups and innovative SMEs. Another key point is the increase in tax incentives for investments made by pension funds and insurance funds, which have enormous liquidity.
Exclude startups from the code of corporate crises Finally, the innovators ask for the exclusion of startups from the application of the new code of business crises, the renewed formulation of which will come into force in May 2022. "Given that these companies have a high failure rate inherent to their high risk profile, they cannot be associated with traditional businesses - explains Cerruti -. The lack of revenues and negative economic results should not qualify it as a state of crisis ", because it can take years to test the product and business model before it becomes sustainable.
The importance of tech-savvy investors But if the government can do a lot for startups, to push the sector to the level of the most famous European and US competitors, expert investors are needed, able to select the best projects and bring a capital of relationships that can make a difference. "It is important to borrow credibility. by those who already own it - notes Giovanna Dossena, professor and CEO of Avm Gestioni Sgr -. Bringing reputation means accelerating all the processes in which a startup is involved ".
According to the manager, crowdfunding cannot replace institutional investors: “The public brings an important aspirational component, but it can come into play later, when the risk is lower”.