The first guests of the Wired Next Fest in Florence

Sponsored by the Municipality of Florence, promoted by and the home Condé Nast publisher, the theme at the center of this year's schedule will be “The future of democracy”. Giving a voice to the citizens and leaders of tomorrow, talking about the technological and cultural transformations, the evolution of globalization processes and the new geopolitical balances, the challenges to stem climate change, those for energy and competition for resources, up to to the needs of greater inclusion and equity in an increasingly complex social scenario, will be the topics at the center of the meetings, panels and performances that, from 9:30 to 19:30, inside the Salone del Cinquecento and Room D 'Arme, will feature prominent figures from the national and international cultural, economic and political panorama.
Sign up to participate In addition, a special event will anticipate the theme and the opening of the Next Fest on Friday evening May 27. On this occasion, in fact, the Mayor Dario Nardella will meet the young Florentines who will be of age in 2022 in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, a moment to celebrate the acquisition of Italian citizenship and the fullness of civil and political rights.
Among the first notable speakers and guests for Saturday 28 May: Helga Nowotny, founder and former president of the European Research Council and emeritus professor of Science and Technology Studies at ETH Zurich, author of “ In AI we trust - God's machines ”(Luiss), a book that explains how a widespread understanding of the mechanisms underlying the functioning of artificial intelligence represents an effective antidote to dystopia; the philosopher Éric Sadin, author of “I Tyrant”, “The siliconization of the world”, “The critique of artificial reason. A defense of humanity ”, considered one of the most important critics of the digital revolution; Federico Marchetti, technological entrepreneur and pioneer of sustainability, former founder of the YOOX NET-A-PORTER group, member of the board of directors of Giorgio Armani and President of HRH's SMI Task Force on Fashion of His Royal Highness on Prince of Galles; Margherita Vicario, musician and actress, after appearing on the stage of the last edition of the Sanremo Festival together with The Representative of List, in March 2022 released her latest single "Astronauti"; the actress Isabella Ragonese, fresh from the interpretation of a miniseries dedicated to the recently deceased photographer Letizia Battaglia; the journalist Lorenzo Pregliasco, co-founder and partner of the social research and political communication agency Quorum and director of the data analysis web magazine YouTrend, author of "Benedetti polls", a book that tells about how data guides our perception , how they help us understand the present and how they are told and interpreted; John Burn-Murdoch, Chief Data reporter for the Financial Times, where he led the coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on health, the economy and society at large. He also uses data and graphics to tell stories on topics such as politics, economics and sport, and is a lecturer at the London School of Economics; rapper Lazza, who recently released his third album “Sirio”, at the top of the sales and streaming charts; Giovanni Boccia Artieri, sociologist, essayist and professor of Communication Sciences at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, author in 2022 of the essay “Voices of democracy. The future of public debate ”(Il Mulino) together with Sara Bentivegna; Cecilia Sala, journalist of Il Foglio, currently sent to Ukraine. For Chora Media she curates the daily Stories podcast. With Chiara Lalli you wrote “Polvere”, a podcast that has become a book dedicated to the Marta Russo case; Max Schrems Austrian activist, lawyer and author who became known for campaigning against Facebook for its privacy violations, including those of European privacy laws and alleged transfer of personal data to the US National Security Agency as part of the NSA's PRISM program; rapper and singer WIllie Peyote, who will release his fifth studio album "Pornostalgia" on May 6; Michela Grasso, known on Instagram as the animator of @spaghettipolitics, an account dedicated to politics that went viral after a sharing by Chiara Ferragni, author of “The future cannot wait: Because my generation is forced to leave” (De Agostini); Kety Fusco, revolutionary harpist, released her debut album "DAZED" in 2020. Her music is a mix of electronic music and organic research applied to experimentation. "Music To Make A Dream Come True" is his new sound research single on the harp, released in March 2022; Brando Benifei, Italian politician and European parliamentarian. Member of the special commission on artificial intelligence in the digital age. Since 2021 he has been the co-rapporteur for the position of the European Parliament on the regulation on artificial intelligence. Since the same year he has been part of the Parliament delegation to the Conference on the future of Europe; Jessica Giorgia Senesi, a young TikToker with over 200 thousand followers, uses the platform to talk about gender equality and inclusion and tell her about her transition path; Pietro Turano, actor, LGBTQ + activist (@eropietro) and co-star of SKAM ITALIA, the TV series on Netflix that tells the new generations without censorship; Irene Graziosi, author and screenwriter, in 2018 founded the Venti project with Sofia Viscardi, of which she is currently editorial manager. In 2022 she published her first novel, entitled "The profile of the other" (E / O); Valerio Mattioli, one of the founders of Prismo and editor of NERO. In 2016 he published Superonda - Secret History of Italian Music (Baldini & Castoldi), in 2019, by minimum fax, Remoria. The inverted city, while in 2022 he released Exmachina. Musical history of our extinction 1992 → ∞ (Minimum Fax), a vision of the future in the light of the aesthetics of Autechre, Aphex Twin and Boards Of Canada; the journalist and author Alessandra Viola, who published "Flower Power. Plants and their rights" (Einaudi) to tell how necessary today is a "Universal Declaration of Plant Rights",; TikToker Erta Knk, who through her account tells the story of coexistence with the boomers in the world of work; the writer Jonathan Bazzi, finalist of the Strega Award in 2020, who has recently published his third novel "Minor bodies" (Mondadori); Beatrice Mautino, science writer and essayist, on Instagram manages the @divagatrice account dedicated to scientific dissemination and recently published "The hidden science of cosmetics" (Mondadori) Francesco Oggiano, journalist and collaborator of Will Media, curates the weekly newsletter Digital Journalism and has just published "SociAbility. SociAbility. How social media are changing the way we inform ourselves and do activism "; Luca Romano, founder of the Facebook page" The lawyer of the tomo "which with over 70 thousand likes advocates the cause of nuclear energy.
All about events After the Florentine appointment, the Next Fest will return to Milan next autumn, 7 and October 8th at the Fabbrica del Vapore.
For more information on the event and register: