The fines for those who do not accept payments with the Pos start from 30 June (and other news of the Pnrr decree)

Fines for those who deny electronic payments The abolition of the electronic invoice for VAT numbers up to 25 thousand euros The single portal on undeclared work 3 -I spa: the state company for the development of software for public bodies Gender equality certification Compulsory foreign language and code of conduct for social networks Monitoring Superbonus 110% Incentives for hydrogen and hydroelectric Prevention of environmental risks and waste management Fund for victims of Nazi crimes Fines for those who deny electronic payments Since 2013, merchants and professionals are obliged to accept payments via Pos, but fines for unsuccessful impienti had to be triggered only from January 1, 2023, as decided by Parliament with the first Pnrr decree of last December. With the text approved by the CDM, the activation date was instead brought forward by six months and the fines will start from next 30 June. The penalties will be 30 euros, plus 4% of the value of the refused electronic payment. Furthermore, it will be mandatory to send the details of all transactions made via digital currency to the tax authorities.
The abolition of the electronic invoice for VAT numbers up to 25 thousand euros No electronic invoice obligation for VAT numbers in a flat-rate regime within 25 thousand euros of income, up to 2024. This is one of the changes to the package of anti-evasion rules contained in the new decree, introduced during the examination of the text by the Cdm. While from 1 July 2022 the exemption from electronic invoicing will be canceled for VAT numbers with an income of up to 65 thousand euros that pay 15% tax. There are no penalties for the first tax quarter 2022, if the invoice is issued within the month following the operation.
The single portal on undeclared work To facilitate investigations and other activities to combat employment undeclared, all the existing databases of the National Labor Inspectorate, INPS and Inail will be unified in a single tool, called the national undeclared portal. The birth of the portal will cost 5 million euros by 2022 and 800 thousand from 2023.
3-I spa: the state company for the development of software for public bodies Accelerating the digitization of the public administration (Pa ) is an imperative that we have heard more and more often in recent years. And in this direction moves the new provision for technological innovation and digital transition that leads to the establishment of a state company entirely dedicated to the digitization of the Public Administration. Chiamata 3-I spa, will deal with the development, maintenance and management of software and other IT services for Inps, Inail, Istat and for central public administrations. The program will refer to the Ministry of Labor, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the 3 institutes.
Certification of gender equality According to what is approved in the NRP, companies in possession of the certification attesting their commitment to respect and promote gender equality, they will have a higher score in public calls. While within the PA, by next September 30th, the Department of Public Administration will have to provide specific guidelines on measures aimed at promoting gender equality, which will have to be adopted in all public offices.
Mandatory foreign language and code of conduct for social networks Always with a view to modernizing and adapting the Public Administration to the contemporary digital and globalized society, the obligation to know at least one foreign language has been included in the new provision, in order to gain access to a job. of public work, and the establishment of a code for the correct use of information technology and social media.
Monitoring Superbonus 110% To avoid fraud or distortions, upstream of the procedure, the sending the file to Enea, as is already the case for the 65% Ecobonus. In this way you will have an updated picture almost in real time on those who have requested the subsidy, so as to better calibrate new regulatory interventions. The bonus regulation also provides that Enea can collect information and data useful for quantifying energy savings, to outline a precise picture of how efficient energy consumption will be.
Incentives for hydrogen and hydroelectric All charges have been canceled general system for the consumption of electricity from renewable sources, for the production of green hydrogen. Furthermore, the gas will not be subjected to excise duties, except if it is sold as fuel for thermal engines.
Prevention of environmental risks and waste management The new decree establishes the new national system for the prevention of environmental risks and climate, to face the challenges and extreme climatic events due to the global environmental crisis. Finally, the collection and disposal of rubble or materials resulting from the collapse and demolition of buildings and infrastructures following the earthquakes, will form part of the waste management plan.
Fund for the victims of Nazi crimes Among the measures also worth noting is the establishment of the "fund for the reimbursement of damages suffered by the victims of war crimes and against humanity, committed on Italian territory by the forces of the Third Reich in the period between 1 September 1939 and 8 May 1945 "with which the Ministry of Economy will grant reimbursements to the victims of the Nazi period.