Shooter to buy | The best of 2022

In this particular buying guide we will propose you some of the best shooters on the market. Among these sagas we find very recent games such as the new chapters of Call of Duty, DOOM or Far Cry (if you like Ubisoft games take a look at this other guide) but there are many other proposals that can be passed rather in muted like Titanfall 2 which is reputed by those who played it one of the best iterations of the young Respawn Entertainment saga.
The best shooters
Call of Duty Vanguard Battlefield 2042 DOOM Eternal Halo Infinite Wolfenstein Gears 5 Star Wars Battlefront II Rainbow Six Extraction Deathloop Titanfall 2Call of Duty Vanguard
The COD saga offers every year an avalanche of hours and content to all fans of the FPS genre. With the new chapter Call of Duty Vanguard, Activision and the guys from Sledgehammer Games have brought fans back to the historical setting of World War II, offering an adrenaline-filled story set in the second great conflict. Obviously, there is no shortage of modes to play online, a great strength of the saga that pushes its community to spend endless hours among the online battlefields, and the Zombie mode, another flagship of the brand for several years now. iterations.»View Call of Duty Vanguard on Amazon
» View Call of Duty Vanguard on eBay
Battlefield 2042
Best Shooters Battlefield 2042 has been out for several months now, and if you are looking for a shooter that offers a fully multiplayer experience this is the choice you will do well with. fall back. Between the usual maps from the great breadth up to a series of new online modes such as Portal or Hazard Zone, Battlefield 2042 wants to be one of the chapters with more content regarding multiplayer. In all this there is no shortage of content taken directly from some of the chapters most loved by fans, such as Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3.»View Battlefield 2042 on Amazon
» View Battlefield 2042 on eBay
DOOM Eternal
DOOM Eternal, the latest installment of the beloved FPS series was developed by id Software with one goal: to create a fun, exhilarating adventure , violent and frantic. As the Slayer, an almost divine being, we must save the entire Earth from the demonic invasion. All that matters is the reaction speed, the movements calculated to the millimeter and the use of the best weapon suitable for different situations. We also remind you that you can find, in addition to the single player campaign, a multiplayer mode called Battlemode, specially designed to differentiate itself from the classic canons of online FPS and take advantage of the uniqueness of DOOM.»See DOOM Eternal on Amazno
»View DOOM Eternal on eBay
Halo Infinite
Best Shooter Halo is one of the most important gaming brands in history. After the Master Chief Collection, now it's finally time to set off on a brand new adventure with Halo Infinite. The highly anticipated sixth installment of the main Xbox saga has been one of the most anticipated titles of recent years, and is finally available for everyone. In addition to being able to experience an exciting new single-player campaign, impersonating the beloved and legendary Master Chief, Halo Infinite offers a rich multiplayer packed with modes, maps, customizations and recurring seasonal events.»See Halo Infinite on Amazon
»View Halo Infinite on eBay
Best Shooters Just like DOOM, Wolfenstein is an old FPS saga that has returned to the center of players' attention thanks in the care of a capable team like Machine Games. In both the first and second installments of this reboot series, the Nazis won the war and B.J. Blazkowicz together with his team of "rebels" decide to liberate Europe and the United States of America. Mixing irreverence, frenzy and gore, the new Wolfenstein saga entertains us with a plot full of twists and a fast-paced and always challenging gameplay. To fully enjoy this series of titles, we recommend purchasing the Wolfenstein Alternative History Collection, a unique package in which you can find both main chapters plus the prequel chapter The Old Blood and the cooperative multiplayer game Youngblood.»View Wolfenstein Alernative History Collection on Amazon
» View Wolfenstein Alernative History Collection on eBay
Gears 5
The last chapter of the Gears of War saga vi puts in the shoes of Kait, a young co-star known in Gears 4. In addition to simply extraordinary graphics, Gears 5 is capable of entertaining up to more than 100 hours, thanks to the emotional and deep single-player campaign and its online sector , which between cooperative Horde and competitive mode, presents one of the most complete experiences on the market of modern shooters, in particular as regards third-person shooters cover shooter.»See Gears 5 on Amazo n
»See Gears 5 on eBay
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Battlefront II didn't get off to a great start, but let's face it, over the years it has become most likely the definitive Star Wars video game. Able to travel in all the environments we have seen and loved in the Skywalker saga. Although the multiplayer mode is the main part of the entire production, the campaign is well done and can entertain you satisfactorily for more than 7 hours. If you love Star Wars and online pitched battles, Star Wars Battlefront II is definitely for you!»View Star Wars Battlefront II on Amazon
» View Star Wars Battlefront II on eBay
Rainbow Six Extraction
Best Shooters Ubisoft's support given to Rainbow Six Siege is one of the best in the entire gaming history, and after having found a resounding success, the transalpine company decided to experiment making the brand new Rainbow Six Extraction. The operators that we have come to know and love in Siege return to face a much more dangerous threat than the previous chapter, which is a series of monstrous biological weapons. In this team game you will have to go through a series of maps in the company of two other companions, to get more and more information about the infection and find a way to eradicate this new threat.»See Rainbow Six Extraction at Amazon
»View Rainbow Six Extraction on eBay | 'is also Deathloop. The new work by Arkane Lyon marks the debut of this second Arkane team, and proves to be both an excellent first-person shooter and a stealth full of situations of various kinds to exploit to your advantage. The exclusive PlayStation 5 will make you live and relive a loop that you will have to break at any cost by eliminating and knowing every secret of the eight targets to be eliminated.
»See Deathloop on Amazon
» See Deathloop on eBay
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2 did not achieve the success it deserved and forced Respawn to step away (at least temporarily) from the saga and to opt for Apex Legends. Despite this, its gameplay is top notch and the single player campaign offers one of the best stories in modern shooters. Furthermore, let's not forget the presence of an online multiplayer perfected in the first chapter, born from the mind of the father of Modern Warfare.»See Titanfall 2 on Amazon
» See Titanfall 2 on eBay