NEET Working Tour and Lucca Comics & Games: passion becomes a profession

NEET Working Tour and Lucca Comics & Games
The Ministry for Youth Policies has chosen Lucca as the only Tuscan stop for the NEET Working Tour, the itinerant information campaign that is going through all of Italy in 11 stages: after Turin, Alessandria, Genoa and Brescia, it was the turn of the city of Lucca, which hosted a series of meetings on 26 and 27 April. The NEET Working Tour continues with the other scheduled appointments: Chieti (28 and 29 April), Rome (4 and 5 May), Naples (6 and 7 May), Matera (10 and 11 May), Brindisi (13 and 14 May ), Cosenza (17 and 18 May) and Palermo (22-23 May).The NEET Working Tour is an itinerant information campaign, promoted by the Minister for Youth Policies Fabiana Dadone, in collaboration with the National Youth Agency, the National Policy Agency active laboratories, National Youth Card and, for the Tuscany stage, also with the Municipality of Lucca and Lucca Crea. The initiative is aimed at NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training): inactive young people between the ages of 14 and 35 who do not study, do not work and do not train. In addition to the Minister for youth policies Fabiana Dadone, among the protagonists of the Lucca stage there are also people who have managed to transform their passions into professions, including the writer, content creator and streamer Dario Moccia, the event organizer, content creator and streamer Davide Masella, the pro-gamer and presenter Miss Hatred (Jessica Armanetti), the youtuber Cartoni Morti (Andrea Lorenzon), the cosplayer Letizia (Letizia Livornese).
The words of the protagonists of the event
“We have 3 million NEETs in Italy. Intervening in the way we do today, thanks also to the commitment of our partners, allows us to establish a dialogue, addressing important issues such as the meeting of demand and supply of work, in a smarter way. And being in Lucca, why not? Using those involved in gamification, influencers, content creators, cartoonists and pop culture characters, creating a dialogue and a stimulus to engage young people and then deal with these important issues ".
The fact of having chosen the Tuscan city as the representation of the entire region was certainly not accidental: a key role is played by Lucca Comics & Games and by Lucca Crea, the company that manages the festival and dozens of cultural content throughout the year. In this regard, the Minister added:
“Lucca Crea has worked a lot with the youth population. With this event, as ministry we have worked a lot on anniversaries, to convey messages and knowledge, as in the 2021 edition for the Unknown Soldier. A lot can be built behind the fun that Lucca Comics & Games offers. Many would like to be content creators or influencers. The new digital frontiers have actually made many crafts, including artisanal ones, evolve, they are new opportunities. Comics can be a profession, as well as anything that apparently can only seem fun “. | ); } Among the various testimonials of the event, Dario Moccia explained:
"If I will be able to continue this work in the future, when I am no longer very young? It takes a good position, but with the right transparency with the public I believe that yes, it can be done ".
While Lorenzon, known as Cartoni Morti, said:
“I have been on Youtube since 2008, I interrupted only for a short parenthesis and then I went back. I tried to be a theater actor after studying for five years at the academy. I believe that theater must be fed through cultural funds, it is difficult for it to be sustained as entertainment. So I tried to put everything I learned in the theater on YouTube by adding animation. The audience is very heterogeneous because I do both zany things and content that can be enjoyed by adults. I do work on the internet that is purely artistic and therefore has many pros and cons. The pros, of course, are that you do what you like: if you are successful, you have a "good life" and everyone would like it. There is the illusion that it is easy. In reality it takes a lot of dedication: the advice I would like to give is to have in mind what you want to do, then project yourself into the future, work on a certain project for a long time, dedicating yourself constantly in order to have results. If you like it then you can have some hope of making it a job; if, on the other hand, you are not sure, playing this game of projection into the future, you understand better that it is something that requires hard work ”.
“I started as an animator in the holiday villages, in 2009 I combined passion and work. Before I used to dress up to amuse the children then I created some originals. The pandemic was a blow. At that point I thought about organizing live shows with online games. People even called me from the hospital, told me I made them smile and followed me every evening. A daily and rewarding commitment ".