NATO chooses Turin for its global network of startup accelerators

As anticipated by already at the beginning of April, Diana will dedicate all of 2022 to building her own governance and bureaucracy, while in 2023 she will open the first tenders to finance startups. As expected, the headquarters in Turin will be located inside the Officine Grandi Riparazioni, which for some years have become an attractive pole of relevance for the tech and innovation world.
NATO raises a billion to finance startups and technology frontiera Diana, the accelerator of the Alliance, and an innovation fund at the starting blocks. Artificial intelligence, biotech, quantum computers, space and cyber at the heart of investments. Centers to test new technologies selected in Italy During the event, new research on the level of digital awareness in Italy was also presented. According to the study - previewed today and conducted by university professor Roberto Baldassari on an adult population - 70% of respondents believe that there is no need for further public investments for cybersecurity and 93% have no idea what ransomware is. , that is a type of virus that makes information accessible within the affected device only upon payment of a ransom, as happened for example in the case of the Lazio region health system.
According to the same study, more than seven out of ten respondents are unable to list the main cyberattacks received by Italian institutions or companies in the last three years. "These are data that require us to carry out a double analysis" commented Carlo Prosperi, member of the scientific committee of Angi. "On the one hand, there is the pars destruens: Italy has a cultural gap that causes a significant delay and exposes us to serious risks. On the other hand, however, there is pars construens: like Angi we ask the government for a triple intervention. We need mandatory activities dedicated to cyber security for students at both school and university level, and then communication campaigns on national television. Finally we propose the formulation of an index that is able to measure the technical and cultural capacity in terms of IT security ".
Speaking to, Prosperi added that the index will be used to keep track of the trend of awareness over time and understand if the policies implemented are generating the desired effects. "The index would consist of both qualitative and quantitative data, relying on a standardized model already adapted by the International Telecommunication Union (ie the UN agency dedicated to telecommunications, ed) with synthetic indicators on the Desi model, thus drawing up a ranking on the quality of awareness and on that of technology ”
The parameters of the model would be mainly four: technical knowledge on the part of the population, diversification of risk factors, network resilience capacity and finally digital literacy. The representative of the parliamentary intergroup on innovation Federico Mollicone (Brothers of Italy) has made it known that he will promote these proposals in Parliament.
Among the main efforts of the government in the field of cybersecurity is the creation of the special government agency, launched in December 2021. Compared to the counterparts in other EU countries, the Italian one, however, suffers some delays, and is in particular undersized in terms of personnel. To date, it has about 80 professionals, against 650 from France and more than 1,300 from Germany.
The future hiring plan aims to fill the gap over the next three years. In the meantime, however, the heart of the state continues to be targeted by cyber threats on a daily basis. Defense Undersecretary Giorgio Mulè stated that only the defense sector receives in the order of magnitude of about 140 thousand a day, despite the high security protocols adopted.
For this reason the prefect and deputy director of Dis ( Security Information Department) Alessandra Guidi explained that there is a systematic commitment on the intelligence front, also in light of the fact that many of the attacks launched against large companies, entities or institutions have a state matrix and therefore resemble military attacks. than to mild attempts at aggression.
After all, the defense of a country's IT integrity is a question that has strictly to do with democratic values, as Copasir president Adolfo Urso also recalled, according to which without balances and checks typical of democratic systems "technology becomes a tool for the affirmation of authoritarian and autocratic systems since the current conditions of technology allow authoritarian regimes to have access to a repressive tool".