Guide to the first funds of the NRP to digitize municipalities and schools

Digitizing Municipalities At the beginning of the month, the notices for the digitization of Italian municipalities were launched in the context of the projects envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) to strengthen and expand the use of digital identity Spid and Cie, the PagoPa payment system and the single point of access for digital public services, i.e. the Io app. There are 390 million euros on the plate: 100 for digital identity, 200 for the PagoPa payment system and 90 for the Io app. 40% of the resources are destined to the administrations of the South (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily).
Since 4 April, in short, institutions have been able to register on the digital PA 2026, access a reserved area, request funds for the institution and receive dedicated assistance. The first results will be published from 3 May. In this case it is not necessary to submit projects but the municipalities will receive a predefined voucher whose amount will be established based on the size of the municipality and the choices indicated in the application. Obviously, the disbursement of resources will be consequent to the achievement of certain objectives. Notices will expire on September 2nd.
Specifically, the services that can be activated are those defined as "informed citizen package", if you want to update your website, and "active citizen package", if you also want to use the interface flows relating to the services . In the "Models" section of Designers Italia, Municipalities can take advantage of the technical resources that will be progressively updated: kits and guides to define the structure of the contents, resources to manage their migration, the code for development and a series of transversal functions, such as reservations appointment, request for assistance, site and service evaluation, and an area for reporting inefficiencies. Not only that: the resources are designed to allow the institution to reuse the individual useful components. Thanks to these models, municipalities will thus have the necessary elements to potentially digitize all digital services provided to citizens.
At the same time, the Agency for Digital Italy, the implementing body of the PNRR measure focused on improving the accessibility of digital services provided to the public, signed an agreement with Isti-Cnr to carry out an initial monitoring the accessibility of about 10 thousand public administration websites (for a total of almost two million web pages) by the end of June and to provide administrations free of charge with a system aimed at automatically verifying the accessibility of the sites.
The PNRR assigns 45 million to connect the small Italian islands in ultra-broadband The tender launched by Infratel was won by Elettra Tlc, part of the French telecommunications giant Orange. Between the islands to be connected Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Ponza, the Tremiti, Favignana and Lipari Going to the cloud In mid-April, however, the news of the 500 million euros available for the migration of its services to the cloud arrived. These are also resources dedicated to the 7,904 Italian municipalities which, again, must pass from the digital PA platform 2026. At the same time, however, the objectives must be aligned with the Cloud Italy Strategy. Also in this case 40% of the resources is destined to the municipalities of the South (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily). The deadline for applications is July 22nd.
Tenders for schools At the end of the month, however, the 95 million euro official status for intervening on the digitization and efficiency of schools, always within the huge umbrella of the NRP. The more than 8 thousand schools can now apply on digital Pa 2026 and request the necessary contributions to migrate their services to the cloud and update their websites or adopt new platforms. These are resources that come from the Department for Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education. In detail, 50 million are reserved for the cloud and 45 million for setting up new websites based on a standard model that will improve the digital experiences of parents, students and the entire school community.
Similarly to the other cases , like municipalities, schools can log in with their digital identity on digital PA 2026, request the funds allocated and receive dedicated assistance. The deadline for sending applications for the two notices is 24 June.
"With funds from the NRP - explained the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi - we support the construction of a school that is more innovative in terms of both skills and infrastructure. By accessing this allocation, schools will be able to strengthen and simplify the work of the secretariats, speed up communications with families, provide information with greater transparency and accessibility. To encourage participation and reduce the workload of school secretariats, the reporting methods for the use of funds have been simplified. The PNRR is a great opportunity. Students, managers, teachers, school staff, families: all participate in the change of the school ".