Could God of War: Ragnarok be the last PlayStation Studios game on PS4?

Could God of War
Based on current information, there is a possibility that God of War: Ragnarok could represent the latest PlayStation Studios exclusive for PS4, as DualShockers also claims in a recent reflection posted on the site.This is because, in Indeed, there are currently no other games announced by the PlayStation Studios first party teams on PS4, being the next ones arriving only on PS5, at least based on the information gathered so far.
On the other hand, the cross-gen nature of Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7 and of God of War: Ragnarok itself was also unveiled by surprise only after their announcement, which made them of made the latest games announced so far for PS4 by Sony's internal teams.
We currently have no information on any games in development at PlayStation Studios other than God of War: Ragnarok for PS4, which is why we think that - at least in the current state of things - this may in fact be the last PlayStation Studios game to land on the console. In this way, Sony's first party teams would still have guaranteed support for two years for the "old" generation console despite the presence of PS5 on the market, so it would be understandable to switch to an exclusively next gen regime. Basically, even Sony would have followed precisely the same strategy of continuous cross-gen support for the first two years of the new generation that had been previously announced by Microsoft, attracting, however, decisive criticism with respect to the prospect of generational gaps that was to be of PlayStation.
In fact, upcoming games that we have news of for the foreseeable future, such as Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine, as well as third parties such as Final Fantasy 16, have only been announced on PS5, so not we know what is planned for PS4 beyond the last big exclusive scheduled for 2022.
On the other hand, the speech remains strongly conditional for several reasons: Sony is still having big problems keeping up with the huge demand for PS5 with production limited by the various current contingencies of the market, therefore it is legitimate to think that the penetration of the new console in the world is still rather slow and PS4 is still destined to remain very present in the plans of the company.
Furthermore, we remember well how these plans are very likely to change from one moment to the next. other: after the historic "we believe in generations" by Jim Ryan, who in fact seemed to cut ties with the past with the generation step from PS4 to PS5, information on the launch of the major exclusives also emerged on PS4, therefore not it is easy to launch into precise predictions, moreover without knowing the new games coming up.
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God of War Ragnarok Could Be The Last PlayStation Exclusive On PS4
God of War Ragnarok could be the last PlayStation exclusive game that would release on the PlayStation 4, and it is something many are unaware of.
While fans are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the game, Sony is yet to announce a release date of the same. Amidst that, it seems quite likely that it will be the last PlayStation exclusive we will see on the PS4.
God Of War Ragnarok | PlayStation Showcase 2021 Reveal TrailerBridTV
God Of War Ragnarok | PlayStation Showcase 2021 Reveal Trailer
Considering the fact that both Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok have PS4 ports, one would believe that the trend would continue for a while. However, that seems to be far from the case if we look at Sony’s plans beyond God of War Ragnarok. After God of War Ragnarok, none of the games that Sony has announced so far has been confirmed to have a PS4 port. The likes of Marvel’s Wolverine, the highly-anticipated sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man, and even Final Fantasy XVI will not be released on the PlayStation 4. This strongly suggests that God of War Ragnarok could be the last game we will see on the PlayStation 4.
While this might disappoint a lot of fans out there, it is not something that disappointing. If you look at the larger picture, you will realize that by the time God of War Ragnarok releases, the PS5 will have completed two years since its launch. One might wonder that this could be a way to just boost the sales of the PS5, but the reality is much more than that.
If you look at it, games being developed specifically for the PlayStation 5 could benefit a lot. The game engines for these games were optimized for cross-gen, but with the PS4 out of the question, it means that developers will be solely able to focus on the PS5. This would likely mean that we will be seeing even better visuals and more polished native PS5 games. While Sony is yet to make an announcement regarding this, this seems like the likely fate of the PS4.