Beyond Good & Evil 2: Development in big trouble and wasting a lot of money, according to a report

Beyond Good & Evil 2
According to a report from Kotaku, the development of Beyond Good & Evil 2 would be in a critical situation. In fact, the project would be burning a lot of money. That something was not going the right way was clear for years now, given the sudden disappearance from the scene, the loss of director Michel Ancel and given the unfulfilled promises to the players, in particular that of making them participate in the making of the game. >Insider Tom Henderson, who commented on a question asked by a follower about the state of the game, with the meme of a man who opens his arms while standing on top of a pile, also gave strength to Kotaku's account of full garbage bags.
In short, there is more and more talk of a complete cancellation of Beyond Good & Evil 2, even if many still hope that the problems can be solved. After all, it seems that the game is still in pre-production, at least according to what Bloomberg reported at the beginning of the year, so the situation is really all in the making, as worrying for the state of health of the title.
Of course , if you have to make him suffer like this, maybe it would be better to let him go ...
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Northampton, MA --News Direct-- FedEx Corporation
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