A startup wants to use your smart fridge to store data on the cloud

Cubbit, the startup that wants to become the Uber of the cloud Read the article The distributed cloud is a decentralized storage system and alternative to that of classic data centers and Nas. according to Gartner, a strategic consulting firm, it will be one of the technological trends of the next few years thanks to the low latency allowed by local nodes, especially in the presence of fast connections such as fiber ones. Technology is in full swing.
This is an alternative and more sustainable solution from an environmental point of view to the central problem of web reaction times. We are used to it well, it is undeniable. A McKinsey study a few years ago revealed that only between 6% and 12% of the enormous amount of energy used by data centers was used for computing operations: much of the rest was needed to respond promptly to user requests. A bit like leaving the car on outside the supermarket to be ready to go back to the green just after shopping. Effective, but certainly not ecological.
Multicloud, hybrid cloud and distributed cloud The key to everything is the swarm. Explanation for the layman. "Using an on-premises cloud, the data is saved in a datacenter owned by the user - Alessandro Cillario and Stefano Onofri, co-founders and co-CEOs of the company, explain to sportsgaming.win. A multicloud service, on the other hand, allows you to save them on several different providers. The hybrid cloud, for its part, allows you to save part on premises and part outside ".
Cubbit has a different proposal: to unpack each file on a network of devices that in the early stages are provided by the company (the cell), but which, in the future, may be the connected ones that make up the galaxy of internet of things. “It will be possible to use the storage space present on any device that has a CPU, internet connection and storage. Even household appliances, 5G routers and servers ".
Cubbit's central database will only store where the packages are located, to recompose them as needed. “The solution guarantees data security, privacy and sovereignty - assures Cillario -. Each file is fragmented into 24 pieces, redundant into 36 pieces using the latest generation algorithms and encrypted with military-grade security mechanisms. Then the individual fragments are distributed over the network ”. Nobody, apart from the legitimate owner, guarantees, can access the contents. The savings in terms of emissions, the company says, would be about forty kilograms of carbon dioxide per year for every terabyte stored.
2022 will be the decisive year for the distributed cloud. 2021 was around one million euros. Last year, the startup closed a seven million Series A funding round. Four thousand B2C nodes are already active in seventy countries, with 50% of sales made in Europe, 35% in America and 15% in the rest of the world. 2022 will be decisive. "It will be the year in which we will understand when we will climb - predicts Cillario-. At the time we started, distributed cloud technology had yet to be understood by the market. Today it seems to me that the times are ripe ”.