This Zelda fan can play Africa by Toto on the Nintendo 3DS

This Zelda fan can play Africa by Toto on the Nintendo 3DS

We've seen a ton of tributes over the years, but the one made by a fan of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask will likely take first place soon. Yes, because the feat he managed to accomplish is by no means a foregone conclusion and most likely required a lot of time.

What has this Zelda fan done? He just took his Nintendo DS and started playing every single note of the first two minutes of Toto's Africa, one of the most famous songs in the world. The result is simply extraordinary: with the combination of the in-game instruments Bigfatfrown (this is his pseudonym on YouTube) he managed to replicate the music, and then obviously move on to the vocal line, also replicated almost perfectly if we exclude the pitch of the notes.

The entire tribute (both to the game and to the song) was filmed and uploaded to YouTube. Fortunately, for now, no type of copyright strike has yet arrived, neither by Nintendo nor by those who manage the copyright of the Toto songs. And it's a real fortune, because being able to watch this cover, albeit in a virtual way, is really fantastic. You can also admire the final result thanks to the video present just below.

if (jQuery ("# ​​crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1"). is (": visible")) {console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_gamedivision_d_mh2"); } The last few weeks have been really interesting for Zelda fans. In addition to this splendid tribute, in fact, the native port of Ocarina of Time is practically ready for release. Finally, today we also reported the creation of a model that brings together a famous painting with Wind Waker. And who knows how many other works or achievements dedicated to the Nintendo saga will arrive in the next few years. On the other hand, the influence of the series is really well known and could motivate fans to always push the limits of their talents a little bit, don't you think?

You can buy the DS edition of Majora's Mask on Amazon.

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