PS4 Controller | The best of 2022

Choosing one is not in fact A simple operation, as the scenarios and controllers on the market are different, and finding the most suitable one for you could take a long time. There are controllers with symmetrical or asymmetrical analog distribution, pads designed for competitive gaming or simple customized DualShocks designed to make the enthusiast of a particular brand happy.
If your videogame attentions are instead directed to other shores, no problem: we have also thought of you with these articles dedicated to the best controllers for Xbox One and those for Mobile. But let's not get lost in chat further and let's immediately throw ourselves into the best PS4 controller available on the market today, whatever your needs are.
Best PS4 Controller
DualShock 4 Nacon Revolution Razer Raiju Nacon Compact ControllerPlayStation DualShock 4 Wireless Controller
We could only start this long list with his majesty the Sony DualShock 4, that is with what is one of the most used gamepads of all time, as well as the best PS4 controller in circulation in case you do not have too specific needs or particular needs for additional keys. Comfortable, functional and aesthetically appealing: the DualShock 4 is a real gem, capable of still giving many satisfactions while waiting for the promising DualSense which will most likely raise the qualitative bar again with regards to Sony home controllers. Ah, did we then tell you that the DualShock is available in a myriad of different colors?Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro Controller
After having proposed the still valid DualShock 4 it is time to talk about Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro Controller, which is the best of what the market has to offer in this area to date. If you have no problems spending a little more than usual, you will find in this controller the nec plus ultra of what is currently available, a product with excellent keys, a very high level of build quality and top quality materials. To make the Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro by far the best PS4 controller are a series of additional keys, which will allow us without too many problems to master any title and to give free rein to our skills.Razer Raiju Ultimate Edition
Despite being a very valid product, as well as, as we said a moment ago, the best PS4 controller present today on the market, the Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro features asymmetrical analogs, a feature loved by many gamers, but often still indigestible for the most loyal PlayStation fans. Fortunately, the Razer Raiju comes to their rescue, another very valid proposal with great quality, as well as a price that is also not indifferent in this case. As for the Revolution Unlimited Pro, also in this case the weaknesses of the Razer Raiju are very few and between additional keys and LED lighting it will be really impossible to find anything to complain about in this product. The best PS4 controller with symmetrical analogs, hands down.Nacon Compact Controller
Obviously, an economic proposal could not be missing in this list, perfect for those who do not want to spend too much or for those who simply need a spare controller ready for any eventuality. Despite a decidedly reduced price, in fact, the Nacon Compact is a Mr. controller, and obviously also the best choice if you need a product at a budget price. Despite its undeniable qualities, the Nacon Compact is available at several tens of euros cheaper than the DualShock 4, managing not to make you miss the Sony product too much. Last but not least the countless colors in which it is available make the Nacon Compact the best PS4 controller at a budget price. If you don't have an innate hatred towards wired this is definitely the choice for you.» Click here to buy Nacon Compact Gray