Hot Wheels Unleashed DC Super-Villains Racing Season | Review

A phenomenon that is also present in the recent and fun Hot Wheels Unleashed, in which toy cars from the most varied franchises and not only do they challenge each other on the last lap. A fleet of all-level cars, which is being expanded in recent weeks by the Hot Wheels Unleashed DC Super-Villains Racing Season, the first great season of the game made in Milestone.
Hot Wheels Unleashed DC Super-Villains Racing Season: Lots of Content
The DC Super-Villains Racing Season, which will be available in game until January 18th, it is as easy to understand that it focuses on the main DC antagonists and will allow you to unlock a whole series of objects dedicated to this famous franchise.if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1"). is (": visible")) {console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_gamedivision_d_mh2"); } By buying the Season, which we remember to be available for about 6 euros and not included in the various Season Passes available for Hot Wheels Unleashed, you will immediately get the car dedicated to Deathstroke, while continuing with the levels you can also unlock the inspired cars to 5 other famous anti-heroes like Bane, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. To complete the package, and to alternate these delicious prizes, there are then 15 other elements with which to enrich your Tavern and your profile in Hot Wheels Unleashed.
A total of 21 unlockable contents, all DC-themed, therefore, capable of enriching both the aesthetic and the playful level, thanks to the new cars, the title of Milestone. Very nice are the cars, all with an immediately recognizable style and able to steal the relative source of inspiration.
A traditional season
As for the more practical part, the DC Super-Villains Racing Season of Hot Wheels Unleashed develops as the most classic of the battle passes that we have seen in recent years in numerous multiplayer games, such as in the aforementioned Fortnite. The above prizes are therefore scattered over different levels and to reach them it is necessary to complete some challenges proposed by the game.if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh3_1"). Is (": visible")) { console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh3_1 slot id: th_gamedivision_d_mh3"); } Win a certain number of games, play a certain number of them in a specific mode and so on: the objectives proposed by Hot Wheels Unleashed to progress in the DC Super-Villains Racing Season are certainly not particularly innovative or imaginative but they still manage to achieve their goal , that is to encourage players to indulge themselves in the different game modes in order to unlock the various prizes.
What makes everything more interesting is the fact that, between a car and a gadget for your own tavern, the DC Super-Villains Racing Season prize pool also contains numerous gears and coins, i.e. the game's virtual currencies with which you can upgrade your cars and unlock new ones. Something that is certainly welcome, but on which he has probably gone a little too hard on the accelerator pedal. The amount of coins and gears released by the season is in fact quite generous, especially when compared with those obtainable in the other modes and challenges of the base title.
Removing this aspect and the not incredible variety of challenges, the DC Super- Villains Racing Season is ultimately an excellent season, able to introduce beautiful cars to the game and make Hot Wheels Unleashed even more interesting, in the hope that the future support will maintain the same quality as today. .