The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, how gameplay could change

The Legend of Zelda
Three patents have recently emerged concerning the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, of which still - let's hope for a while - we do not even know the "real" title. The long-awaited game is scheduled for 2022: given the importance of the work, and the information still lacking, we doubt it will arrive in the first half of the year.Let's make two important premises before continuing. First: the fact that these patents exist does not imply that the information they contain will necessarily be used in the game. This is a point to keep in mind: over time developers may change their minds and alter - or delete - what they have recorded. Second: this is unlikely to happen. The three patents concern actions that we glimpsed in the trailer of the last E3, they better illustrate how they work: if Nintendo has highlighted them in the short minute of the video, it means that they have a certain relevance. Furthermore - at least in theory - the game is just a short distance away, so sudden changes of course are unlikely.
Well, having made the necessary premises, let's see together what are these three actions that could characterize the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Time reversal
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2: A patent image on time reversal This ability, which probably Link will acquire after obtaining the magic / cursed / sealant arm, it was already quite clear from the E3 2021 trailer: in that case we could see the hero stop the fall of a sphere, which immediately began to retrace "his steps", hitting enemies on the way back.In this case, the patent adds nothing exceptional to what is glimpsed in the video. But it suggests two things. The first is that any object can be sent back in time, but only for a certain period: we do not know the amount that will be granted, but clearly there is a limit. The second thing that we seem to intuit, and that was hinted at but not revealed in the trailer, lies in a small detail of great importance: in the patent, power is applied to a barrel. Not to multiple barrels, not to the whole setting. In essence, the rest of the world will continue to move forward, while the "enchanted" object, he and he alone, will go back in time. By doing so, it will physically interact with all the other elements, which however will continue to be in the "present": even the drop of the E3 trailer could be subject to this dynamic.
The possible consequences on the game design of this power are hardly imaginable. If, as we believe, it will be applicable to every object (or almost) of the game world, incredibly imaginative mechanics could arise: in addition to the repercussions on the combat system, there are possible environmental dynamics that could generate interesting situations, both in terms of solve some puzzle, both in close interactive terms. Imagine being able to alter the course of a river, for example. It will be very interesting to understand how and when the power will be activated, but we are sure that, in line with the conceptual identity of Breath of the Wild, as much freedom as possible will be left to the players.
"Parachuting "
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2: the different positions in flight It seems that Fujibayashi, whose career we told you about years ago, wants to enhance every single cell introduced in Skyward Sword. In the latter game, as spectacular as Link's free fall was, it was extremely limited, and tied to scenic / narrative issues. In the sequel to Breath of the Wild, gliding seems - on the contrary - a basic adventure mechanic, one of the keys to the "vertical structuring" of the new Hyrule, made up of many flying islands.There will be many phases aerial, and we don't even know how far you can go up: for sure, however, you will spend a lot of time gliding down (without paraglider). The patent suggests interesting and varied game dynamics, and it is possible, given the care taken in the movements, that there will be various clashes with enemies (even in the air, yes).
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2: gliding with open arms Apparently, Link will be able to glide in various ways: with open arms, with open arms with his back facing the ground (as it will be the shot, in this case? Will we see the hero in the face or the sky in the background?), swooping.
To each of these three positions, between which - according to the patent - can be quickly, corresponds to a particular archery position. You could create unique fights, using these actions well: let's imagine that enemies will be designed specifically to exploit them. At the same time, challenging as they are, we have doubts that these mechanics can be integrated without complicating the control system.
Surface Traversal
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 : Link will be able to cross surfaces from bottom to top This ability is a cross between the two just described: from the glide it resumes the connection with the "vertical" gameplay, from the temporal alteration the possible creative consequences on exploration. It is a move that had already been widely noticed in the trailer of the last E3, in the last scene: when Link projects upwards, he enters inside a rock, and reappears on the top of the surface, as if he had come out. from a trap door.Let's imagine that the main utility of this action will be to "go up" the flying islands quickly, "piercing" them from below to reappear at the top. However, it will also be an ability, just like the temporal rewinding, extremely useful also from a puzzle-solving perspective: imagine how many intricate or alternative paths could be hidden on the ceiling of a dungeon.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2: Link while crossing a surface Also in this case, the most interesting novelty that the patent suggests is the "freedom of expression". The action does not seem bound to a specific moment, but it can be used in full creative freedom by the player. This is why limits have been introduced: Link will only be able to cross a platform by respecting certain criteria. For example, the body will need to be perfectly under it, not near an edge. Furthermore, the inclination of the ground that we are going to "drill" will be fundamental: it must be parallel to the ground, or in any case not very angled.
In short, the innovations introduced by the patents, which (we repeat) will not necessarily appear in the final game , they are very, very interesting and inspiring. For two reasons, in particular. The first is that the actions seem to follow the philosophy of Breath of the Wild: they are not limited to a single execution, or to the linear solving of a puzzle. They seem to be powers that can be used in full creative freedom, like those of the Sheikah Tablet. Secondly, unlike the latter which were primarily "mechanical", they are actions that we could define as "magical" (gliding excluded). They will create more imaginative situations, but at the same time they may prove to be more difficult to understand and use. We will know more next year.
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