Tesla will produce 2 million vehicles in 2022

But how long does it take to increase production to the point of being able to keep up with the demand for market? Normally it would take a long time, but Tesla is in the process of finally giving life to two new production plants - Gigafactory Texas and Berlin - which should allow the Californian company to significantly increase production, with the aim of producing 2 million cars. in 2022. Everything will depend on how good Tesla will be at starting the two factories: setting in motion an assembly line for the construction of automobiles is not easy and it can take some time to find the right pace and method of work, but Tesla has already gained a lot of experience in other factories and has been concerned with hiring skilled workers in the automotive field - especially in Germany.
When the two Gigafactories in Austin and Berlin are finally 100% active, Tesla will be able to review further its plans to spread worldwide by further increasing production in China, a country where the American brand is finding a lot of luck. In his report, Dan Ives spoke of the Chinese market as a crucial point for the growth of the company; according to Dan, the time window of the next 12/18 months will see an increase in the value of Tesla shares with peaks of $ 1800 per share, with today's value being $ 1086.