Nintendo Switch like PS5? The possibility is real!

“The stocks of Nintendo Switch could be stagnant after the beginning of 2022”, reads the translation of the Kyoto NP newspaper. The reasons? Obviously the shortage of semiconductors, as well as problems related to logistics. The latter aspect could be linked to the various quarantines and lockdowns that are afflicting some countries particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furukawa's statements go hand in hand with the latest projection in terms of sales released by the Kyoto house.
Last month, in fact, the Kyoto house launched a statement explaining how the expected Nintendo Switch sales for the new fiscal year they have been reduced, from 25.5 million units sold against the 24 million units expected. “As for the console, we had to reduce our forecast due to some changes in production, due to the global semi-conductor crisis”, reads the release released in November.
if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1"). is (": visible")) {console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_gamedivision_d_mh2"); } The situation regarding consoles and GPUs does not therefore seem destined to improve. AMD has already warned that the shortage could last at least for the whole of 2022. For the purely playful side, moreover, PS5 has now been hiding in stores for over a year, while the situation seems to be better for the Xbox Series S, which is always available everywhere. Nintendo Switch could therefore find itself for the first time in the exact same situation as Sony machines, despite being in circulation for 4 years and has already registered decidedly incredible numbers in terms of sales, with over 90 million units in the possession of players.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available on Amazon.