Horizon Forbidden West: ESRB classification revealed, talk of alcohol and violence

Horizon Forbidden West
The American classification body ESRB (practically the equivalent of our PEGI) has classified Horizon Forbidden West, the exclusive PS4 and PS5</a> of Guerrilla Games arriving on February 18, 2021. Through this, we can see that we are talking about alcohol and violence. The rating is "T for Teen", meaning ages 13 and up.Horizon Forbidden West's description in the ESRB rating reads: "This is an action adventure game where players take on the role of a heroine (Aloy) who travels to discover the source of a mysterious signal. From a third person perspective, players traverse post-apocalyptic environments / landscapes, complete missions, interact with characters and engage in combat against enemy tribes and robotic creatures. Players use slings, bows, javelins and spears to kill enemies in frantic combat. Blood splatters are depicted when human enemies are hit; bloodstains also appear under bodies in some environments. Players can also perform sneak attacks (eg, spear impalement) to discreetly take out enemies. Cutscenes show additional acts of violence: a character im palate from swords or spears; a character crushed to death by a statue. The game portrays drunk characters stumbling around, and in one area claiming: "I'm drunk"; a deleted scene portrays Aloy drinking beer from a mug; different background characters are seen drinking alcohol in the taverns. The word "shit" is heard in the game. "
A Horizon Forbidden West Collolungo This is not a surprising description. Violence, even against humans, was part of the first game. In this second In addition, the fight against humans has been enriched with new moves and mechanics, but in order to find out all the details about the game, we will have to wait for its release.
We also remember that we have discovered the weight of the PS5 version and the date of the preload of Horizon Forbidden West.
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Horizon Forbidden West ESRB Rating Released; Mentions Violence & Alchohol for T Rating
With Horizon Forbidden West’s file size and pre-load date now out in the wild, it looks like Guerrilla Games’ upcoming high-profile action game is shaping up nicely. Having said that, the official Horizon Forbidden West ESRB rating has surfaced as well, which bodes well for the game’s development and whatnot.
The Entertainment Software Raings Board has rated the game as “T” for Teen, and mentions violence and people being drunk as basis for the rating. Check out the offiical ratings summary below.
Horizon Forbidden West ESRB Rating Summary
This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of a hero (Aloy) traveling to discover the source of a mysterious signal. From a third-person perspective, players traverse post-apocalyptic environments/landscapes, complete quests, interact with characters, and engage in combat against enemy tribes and robotic creatures. Players use slingshots, bows, javelins, and spears to kill enemies in frenetic combat. Puffs of blood are depicted as human enemies are hit; blood stains also appear underneath bodies in some environments. Players can also perform stealth attacks (e.g., spear impalement) to eliminate enemies discreetly. Cutscenes depict additional acts of violence: a character impaled by swords or spears; a character crushed to death by a statue. The game depicts drunk characters stumbling around, and in one area stating, “I’m inebriated”; one cutscene depicts Aloy drinking beer from a mug; several background characters are seen drinking alcohol in taverns. The word “sh*t” is heard in the game.
Nothing surprisingin the ratings summary, I admit, but anything Forbidden West is good news for those of us eagerly looking forward to the game (like this guy).
Horizon: Forbidden West will be releasing February 18, 2022 for the PS4, and PS5.
Source: ESRB