Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remake, pirated copies are already in circulation: watch out for spoilers

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remake, pirated copies are already in circulation
Well in advance, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes are already circulating online. But be careful: they are not found in stores, but online. In fact, as you may have guessed from the title of this news, the two Nintendo Switch games managed to be pirated about ten days before their release. A paradoxical situation, which however leads to some very bitter consequences for the players who will try to arrive "unscathed" on day one of the game, set towards the end of November 2021.As per tradition, when a game begins spoiler danger is very common to reveal itself online. In this case, the Pokémon games were even pirated well in advance. In addition to the risk of fairly high anticipations, there is also the problem that the ROMs currently in circulation contain both games. And on Reddit, needless to say, information has already circulated on how to unlock both games.
Not a pleasant situation, therefore, for all those waiting for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl in their remake version for Nintendo Switch. The pirated copies circulate and are accessible to practically everyone and with the possibility of starting both versions without however having two separate ROMs, the risk of finding some spoilers on YouTube is very high. Attention, however, also to Twitch: the games are in fact already broadcast on the Amazon platform. Resisting curiosity, we know, is definitely difficult, so we invite you to exercise caution, especially in an age when a single video is uploaded to various social media such as Instagram and Tik Tok.
Pokémon remakes Diamond and Pearl for Nintendo Switch will be available starting from November 19, 2021. During the next one, a new IP linked to the world of pocket monsters will also debut, or Legends Arceus, which promises to be a sort of turning point for the entire franchise.
You can buy the Lite version of Nintendo Switch on Amazon.