Halo Infinite: A campaign video shows an aspect that is already driving fans crazy

Halo Infinite
A short video from Halo Infinite showed off an aspect of the game that is already driving fans crazy, who can't wait to try it straight away. Which? The possible acrobatics with the grappling hook, which look really spectacular.Posting the clip on Twitter was the youtuber Mint Blitz, specialized in Halo. He will probably have received the Halo Infinite code from Microsoft, as well as permission to publish short films that highlight various aspects of the gameplay, such as the one below.
Watching the video it is impossible not to notice the spectacular stunts achievable using the Master Chief's grappling hook, with which the youtuber grabs a vehicle and throws himself with force towards a group of enemies. We already have a foretaste of what we will be able to do by using it in the finished game. Let's say this tool alone justifies the breadth of the game's open world.
Who knows, maybe there will be real online competitions in the use of the Halo Infinite grappling hook. Meanwhile, we remind you that Halo Infinite multiplayer is already available as free-to-play. On December 8, 2021, the single player campaign will be launched on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X and S.
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Halo Infinite’s Cosmetic Customization Needs More Work Than The Battle Pass
Halo Infinite
343Most of the debates about Halo Infinite in its current form stems from issues with the challenge-based battle pass, whether it’s too slow, or restricts gameplay too much by discouraging objective play. It does seem like a somewhat easy fix however, once 343 starts giving more XP past just challenges, and simply ties it to performance/score/objective completion.
But more complicated to untangle is what Halo Infinite has done with its cosmetic system, which promised a sprawling suite of customization with millions of potential combinations. So far, it seems way, way more restrictive than that, plus arbitrarily segmented in very weird ways.
So, what are the issues?
Halo Infinite
343Halo Infinite
343It’s just not a very good system. Many of the issues feel like pretty obvious ways to add unnecessary padding to the battle pass, but others make less sense, like how core-focused everything is, and why there can’t be broader use of accessories, helmets and coatings past what we see now. Unlike battle pass XP, I do wonder how much of this is baked into the game and cannot be changed without serious effort, but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
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