Stellantis, in Italy the most serious chip crisis of the pandemic

The chip crisis has been hitting the four-wheeler sector for months now. The shortage of semiconductors has therefore had an even worse impact than the Covid-19 pandemic on production: the same representatives of FIM-CISL workers have stressed the negative effects of the shortage of semiconductors. In fact, the unions of the Stellantis group predict a worse end of the year than the lockdown months.With reference to the data provided by FIM-CISL, in the first nine months of 2021 the Stellantis group would have produced 319,000 cars in Italy. A figure that therefore demonstrates an 11% increase compared to the same period in 2020 in which operations were stopped due to the lockdown. It is no coincidence, however, that production in the six Italian plants of Stellantis decreased by 46% in the third quarter compared to the same period of the previous year.
The negative figure is largely attributable to the different production stops caused by semiconductor supply problems.
If we analyze the data, the increase of approximately 43,513 vehicles compared to 2020 compensates for the loss of approximately 12,750 vehicles which occurred in the Cassino, Pomigliano and Melfi plants. The situation is really heavy, in the last quarter of about 50 potential working days (65 working days - about 15 days vacation), only Polo Torinese and Maserati Modena have not suffered any stops. For the other plants, shifts and working days are reduced using the Cig: Cassino -38%, Pomigliano - 70%, Melfi -54%. Sevel, too, which went unscathed in the first half of the year, found itself with a 28% reduction in working days in the quarter.
With reference to what has been declared, the plant that did not have to deal with production problems was that of Mirafiori. On the other hand, the plant in Pomigliano d’Arco, where the Panda is built, blames the most for the semiconductor crisis.
credit photo Stellantis The issue of the supply of raw materials, semiconductors and the approach of the labor chain is a problem of order geopolitical that the government of our country must address in a strategic way. Our concerns concern the workers who are heavily affected in terms of income by this situation, to which are added the concerns that risk having a cascade on investments and induced activities.
According to Ferdinando Uliano it will not be possible to reach the production of the year of the lockdown of 712,000 vehicles, with the fear that Stellantis could modify the investment program dedicated to Italy due to this situation.
It is practically impossible to match the number of cars produced last year, the chip situation is becoming more serious and we will have further heavy closures. A similar situation could soon occur in Sevel as well. Production of the 500 BEV must continue to achieve carbon reduction targets. The main risk is that Stellantis decides to delay planned investments and the launch of new models, as the chip crisis pushes sales down, Uliano concluded.
The unions themselves are therefore asking for new guarantees to prevent the chip crisis from delaying the debut of the new models of the Stellantis group.
Stellantis Reinstates Domestic Partner Benefits for Non-bargaining Unit U.S. Employees
AUBURN HILLS, Mich. --News Direct-- Stellantis
Stellantis today announced its decision to reinstate domestic partner benefits for all eligible employees, effective January 1, 2022. Research shows that about 7% of U.S. adults are living with an unmarried partner.
AUBURN HILLS, Mich., October 11, 2021 /3BL Media/ - Stellantis today announced its decision to reinstate domestic partner benefits for all eligible employees, effective January 1, 2022. The new benefit applies to all eligible non-bargaining unit U.S. employees despite their partner status (same- and opposite-sex), and aligns with the company’s legacy as a corporate leader providing domestic partner benefits for same-sex couples in 2000. The company offered domestic partner benefits in the U.S. until same-sex marriage became legal following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision in 2015.
“Stellantis is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive business environment in which all people and ideas are welcomed, appreciated and respected,” said Dana Keefer, Head-Human Resources, Stellantis-North America. “Providing domestic partner benefits to all eligible employees, despite their partner status, embodies our company’s purpose and values and enables us to meet the needs of a diverse and dynamic workforce and the expectations of prospective employees.” As part of its benefit announcement, the company will light the 960-square-foot glass Pentastar on top of its 15-story Auburn Hills building tower purple October 11-21 in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month, National Coming Out Day and National Spirit Day. The observance builds on the company’s longstanding support of LGBTQ+ employees, communities and issues. For example, in 2020, the company expanded its award-winning supplier diversity program to include certified LGBTQ-owned businesses. “On behalf of the members of the Prism Business Resource Group, we are proud to work for a company that shows us so much support and respect,” said Arana Long, Chair of Prism, the company’s LGBTQ+ Business Resource Group. “Reinstating domestic partner benefits for all eligible employees is a strong leadership move by the company to support the diverse lifestyles of current and prospective employees.” Prism is one of 11 Business Resource Groups whose objectives include promoting a positive awareness of diverse people and issues within the company and ensuring that the company’s products meet the expectations of diverse customers. Stellantis Business Resource Groups represent a range of affinity communities that include African ancestry, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, women, Middle Eastern, disabled, veterans, working parents and LGBTQ+. The company has consistently achieved high scores on the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index since the benchmark was established. Recently, the company earned meaningful acknowledgement of its diversity leadership when the editors of the respected DiversityInc magazine named Stellantis to the magazine's 2021 list of Top 50 Companies for Diversity. National Coming Out DayNational Coming Out Day is observed internationally on October 11 to celebrate coming out and to raise awareness of the LGBTQ community and the LGBTQ civil rights movement. The day commemorates the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington for lesbian and gay rights and is aligned with the company’s efforts to promote diversity and respect in the workplace. National Spirit DayNational Spirit Day is an annual LGBTQ awareness day observed on the third Thursday in October, promoting LGBTQ youth and honoring LGBTQ victims of suicide. StellantisStellantis (NYSE: STLA) is one of the world’s leading automakers and a mobility provider, guided by a clear vision to offer freedom of movement with distinctive, affordable and reliable mobility solutions. In addition to the Group’s rich heritage and broad geographic presence, its greatest strengths lie in its sustainable performance, depth of experience and the wide-ranging talents of employees working around the globe. Stellantis will leverage its broad and iconic brand portfolio, which was founded by visionaries who infused the brands with passion and a competitive spirit that speaks to employees and customers alike. Stellantis aspires to become the greatest, not the biggest, while creating added value for all stakeholders, as well as the communities in which it operates.
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