The first projects from companies arrive for the national cloud

Alliance between Tim, CDP Equity, Sogei and Leonardo, who presented a proposal for the national strategic hub to Minister Vittorio Colao. Aruba and Almaviva are also on the field
Vittorio Colao (Photo: Jason Alden / Bloomberg via Getty Images) One of the four fundamental elements of the Italy cloud strategy, the plan to migrate public administration to the cloud, begins to take shape. Two consortiums of companies formulated their proposals on Tuesday 28 September to create the National Strategic Pole (Psn), the infrastructure distributed throughout the territory that will have to enable the national cloud for the public administration. The first is the joint proposal presented to the Ministry of Digital Transition by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (through the subsidiary Cdp Equity), Leonardo, Sogei and Tim. The other is the one developed jointly by Almaviva and Aruba and approved by their respective boards of directors.The government's goal is to migrate at least 75% of Italian public offices to the cloud by 2025. To reach this goal, the PSN tender must be awarded by 2022 and its publication by the end of 2021. Preliminary step, the expression of interest by the private party, as predicted by the Minister Vittorio Colao at the beginning of September.
Twenty-one days later, in fact, the idea of a newco consisting of Cdp at 20%, Leonardo at 25%, Sogei at 10% and Tim at 45% is on the table. "The presentation of the proposal by the promoter, where deemed of interest, will allow the PA to launch a public tender in a short time", explains a joint note. In particular, the public administration will have to examine the proposal within three months of receipt and, in the event of a positive evaluation, will start the tender in which, in addition to the promoter, all the operators who may be interested can participate.
In the event of an award, the shareholders of the newco would provide the industrial skills necessary for services and investments: Tim infrastructural services and cloud platforms, Leonardo cybersecurity, Sogei business culture enablement and training for the skills of the public administration, while Cdp Equity will be a financial partner and institutional investor. "The project consists in the provision of cloud solutions and services in support of the public administration in order to ensure the highest possible level of data efficiency, security and reliability", explains the note.
As indicated by the ministry, the initiative was presented in the public-private partnership regime, as well as that of the Almaviva-Aruba tandem, whose proposal leverages the "full complementarity between the two companies" and a "complete value proposition to cover all services". Thanks to the immediate availability of infrastructures, "technological excellence" and environmental sustainability, the acceleration of the migration plan could enable improvements compared to the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr).
Il National strategic pole will host the critical and strategic data and services of all central administrative entities (about 200), local health authorities (Asl) and the main local administrations (Regions, metropolitan cities, municipalities with more than 250,000 inhabitants). The digitization, innovation and security of the public administration are priority objectives of the NRP, which dedicated its first “mission” to them with an expenditure of 9.75 billion euros.
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Topics Cloud computing Cybersecurity Government National recovery plan and resilience - Pnrr Tim globalData.fldTopic = ", Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, Government, National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Pnrr, Tim"
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