play podcast # 269: Dumb and Dimmer - The best games for the vacation

play podcast # 269
Actually, no play podcast could appear today because both Sascha and Chris are on a well-deserved vacation. But we wouldn't be your godlike favorite chatterboxes if we hadn't come up with anything. We just recorded episode 269 a few weeks earlier. Cheers to modern technology! And on us! So we can't pick up a current topic for this episode, so we decided on a small, timeless special. We, Katha, Sascha and Chris, introduce you to our top 5 games that make our vacation more beautiful. Regardless of whether you have a longer free time from the maloche in spring, summer, autumn or winter, with our game recommendations every holiday will be even better. Well, that's what we think at least. But we are also very conceited.You can find our Spotify playlist here: Debil & Durstig (play podcast)
Listen to the new episode right here!
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The topics of issue 269:
00:00:00 - Intro, greeting, digressions
00:21:27 - The best games for the holiday
The next issue of the play podcast will be published on October 4, 2021.
All information about the play podcast
The play podcast is available on many different platforms - and of course in its entirety everywhere for free! You can find us on:Spotify TuneIn Stitcher Google Podcasts Apple Podcasts YouTube PlayerFM PodBean Pocket Casts Overcast CastBox Podcast Addict Podimo If you have any questions about the podcast, just ask us in the forum, in the community area on YouTube or on our Facebook page. You can also send an email to [email protected] with the subject "play podcast".
Have fun with the podcast,
your play team
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P.P.S .: Here is the RSS link to the play4 podcast. You can easily subscribe to it with various feed readers or audio players.