PC Games 10/21 with the title topic Far Cry 6, Humankind in the test and much more. m.

PC Games 10/21 with the title topic Far Cry 6
A small anniversary is coming up: 350 issues of PC Games! For us the question was now: Are we celebrating this big? Are we celebrating this small? Or don't we celebrate it at all, because it's only half of a "zero" anniversary. Since the plans for the much bigger event next year are already in progress - 30 years of PC Games - we decided on the middle. After all, we don't want to anticipate any ideas, and there are quite a few of them.Instead, we indulge in memories: The editorial staff went into isolation and in the magazine section presents you their very personal, self-written favorites from 350 issues - the first cover story, the coolest event, the favorite game in the retro special, the lovingly researched report. Because let's be honest: Of course, some articles are more important than others.
But of course there are also current topics, above all: Far Cry 6. We recently launched the Ubisoft shooter for the first time Play more extensively and check how far the title differs from its predecessors. Spoiler: not that much. But it doesn't necessarily have to be if the action is right again, the atmosphere grabs and the story may well be entertaining at the end. You can read about our impressions of our trip to the Caribbean in our big cover story.
Also extremely extensive: The first details about Call of Duty: Vanguard. That this was to be the title of the latest part in the series and that the Second World War was going on again had been a rumor for several weeks and months. Now Activision and developer Sledgehammer Games nailed their heads and presented us with this year's offshoot of the series. The statements about the multiplayer part were a bit tighter, but we can already tell you in detail what to expect in the campaign.
Humankind, on the other hand, dominates the test section: We dedicate eight pages to the civilization competitor from Amplitude Games (Endless series). After all, the 4X strategy does a lot differently than the great Firaxis genre king. We'll of course also tell you whether the fresh ideas are enough to shake his throne and what Humankind does differently. Immediately afterwards we turn to Psychonauts 2 - it was released in August after just 16 years of waiting since the first release. And still gives the impression that hardly any time has passed, as it seamlessly follows on from its iconic predecessor in terms of entertainment value.
In the magazine and extended section, we dedicate ourselves to the history of real-time strategy, among other things, and are celebrating 25 years Valve and look back on Brütal Legend - an underrated classic. And: For extended buyers, we also have a real full version highlight on board for issue 350 with Prey. Have fun with it!
These topics await you in PC Games 10/21:
The cover of PCG 10/21 Source: PC GamesCover story: Far Cry 6. New world, new villain, well-known action: In our cover story, the series features an open-world sandbox, in which we experience main and side missions and forget about time during countless other activities. When we played it, we checked whether it would work as well as before. Full version: Prey (digital, only included in the extended version of the PC Games) Currently: Far Cry 6 Call of Duty: Vanguard Icarus Riders Republic Jurassic World: Evolution 2 Stray Forza Horizon 5 Saints Row Most Wanted Tests: Humankind · Psychonauts 2 · King's Bounty 2 · Unbound: Worlds Apart · Garden Story · The Forgotten City · Road 96 · Buying guide specials, reports + extended part: The evolution of real-time strategy · 25 years of Valve · 350 issues of PC Games: The favorite articles of the editorial team · The post-apocalypse · Ten years ago · Serial killer: These games (almost) killed their ranks · Retro: Brütal Legend · Blizzard's decline: How a company dismantles itself in a few years Hardware: Up-to-date buying guide for three popular ones Example configurations (entry-level, middle-class, high-end) A video area with numerous HD videos, distributed on two extended DVDs with over 200 minutes of playing time. The entire PC Games team wishes you a lot of fun with this issue!
DVD inlay PCG 10/21 [701.03 KB] You can get the new PC Games 10/21 ... from September 15th at your newsagents - either as Magazine edition for 4.99 euros or as a particularly lavishly equipped extended version with 16 extra pages, two bulging magazine DVDs and a digital full version.If you don't want to wait that long: let's start with the PC games -Online-Shop - simply order the new magazine from the comfort of your home or subscribe straight away and collect a valuable bonus!
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