Nintendo eShop: the best games for back to school

Nintendo eShop
Summer is running out and the return to school is looming, but all is not lost: with the arrival of autumn the video game season starts again, not to mention all those who have already come out and the inevitable, unmanageable backlog that weighs on our shoulders, as always.If the holidays have filled the head with thoughts of freedom and escapes from the ordinary, it is time to go back to thinking a little more inside the schemes, but this does not mean that we can always count on the virtual worlds offered from Nintendo Switch, which with its portable essence never abandons us. For a more gradual and pleasant return to the daily commitments on the studio, let's try to make a selection of the games on Nintendo eShop that are most associated with this delicate situation, choosing carefully but not without a bit of irony the best titles to return to normality. school, between games and study subjects.
Snipperclips: Let's cut it
Snipperclips Plus contains some levels and additional content compared to the original. there is nothing better than Snipperclips Plus: Let's Cut it Out. Although the connection with the studio is somewhat feeble, it is perhaps the most fun way to get back into the middle of paper, pencils, scissors, rulers and cutters, at least from a gaming point of view. We can see it a bit like a session of applied art education, or technical drawing and geometry, if desired: the two players play Snip and Clip, two paper characters who have to shred each other until they find the right shapes and sizes to help each other. achieve the objectives of the various levels. It is one of the first games released on Nintendo Switch but it also remains one of the most brilliant multiplayer titles that you have ever seen on that platform and if you haven't played it yet, run to download.In case you are curious, here is the review of Snipperclips Plus: Let's cut it
This, instead, is the address of Snipperclips Plus: Let's cut it on Nintendo eShop.
Brain Training by Dr. Kawashima
Brain Training on Nintendo Switch offers different types of exercises between logic and mathematics What could be better to reactivate the synapses of the brain after months of doing nothing a little 'of pure puzzles? Brain Training by Dr. Kawashima takes up the concept of the good old series of the esteemed Dr. Kawashima and also proposes it on Nintendo Switch, responding diligently to the call to help us do some exercises for the brain, complete with rhyme. The game for Nintendo Switch includes several new exercises that are added to the classics, set above all on logic and mathematics and able to also take advantage of some peculiar features of the console such as the touch screen and Joy-Con. The meaning is always that of evaluating the "age" of one's brain, or rather one's mental alertness and brilliance, based on correctness and speed in the answers. Presented in a very captivating way, the game is also very fun and aimed at all ages and types of users. Don't forget the upcoming arrival of Big Brain Academy: Challenge of Minds scheduled for December.Link to Dr Kawashima's Brain Training review
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Super Mario Maker 2
Super Mario Maker 2 can really teach you something in terms of level design On the creativity front, which always has great importance when it comes to mental training and cognitive development, Super Mario Maker 2 can be a great stimulus to experiment with the imagination and the tools made available. There is also something fundamentally didactic in the ability to best use a series of objects to build an organic complex capable of entertaining, if nothing else it is something that goes far beyond the simple use of a predefined product, leading the player to become protagonist of the production process, making the necessary proportions. Obviously Super Mario Maker 2 is not only this and above all it is a great platformer, but we feel we can include it in this "edifying" list thanks to its constructive component, which can be stimulating in a very positive way.Link to the review of Super Mario Maker 2
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Video Game Laboratory
Taking the concept of applied creativity even further than Super Mario Maker 2, Videogame Laboratory takes an additional step to become almost a real educational software.In this case we are not dealing with a video game with a strong creative component, but with a set of tools that allow you to build new video games, without necessarily having to follow a predefined setting even with regard to the genre. What this entails is easily deducible: a wide freedom to create new gaming experiences, obviously very simple and basic, but still real practical expressions of original ideas. The goal of the "game", if it can be defined as such, is to provide a first basis for understanding the development of video games and to give way to express creativity through this real modern art.
Link to the review of Video Game Laboratory
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Murder by Numbers
Logic, mathematics and even a little fiction are the characteristics of Murder by Numbers Mathematics and logic converge in the nonograms, logic-based graphic puzzles among which we find some historical cornerstones of puzzles such as picross, but which can also be the basis for bizarre adventure games, as happens in Murder by Numbers. In this strange Mediatonic title we find ourselves solving various yellow-style cases by dedicating ourselves to picross, trying to reveal evidence through the solution of the various puzzles that bring out drawings. The over-the-top style, which blends the investigative adventure with the anime-style visual novel focusing everything on the puzzle sessions, creates a very particular mixture that gives a remarkable character to the game, elevating it to something deeper and more complete than the simple sum of its parts. In fact, we find ourselves having to use our heads to solve puzzles, but everything is made much more engaging by a pervasive and well-paced narrative.Link to Murder by Numbers review
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing is always a nice escape from reality, without disdaining entomology, botany and paleontology Halfway through the list , we can consider ourselves at the right time for a bit of detachment and precisely in this regard we insert Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the selection. Just as recreation is necessary for psycho-physical health and the best possible performance at school, the escape from reality to alternative worlds possible with the Nintendo game can also function as an outlet for moments of greater study stress. For this reason it is useful to keep Animal Crossing in mind as a fundamental game of back to school, but not only. It can also have real educational implications: the knowledge about nature that can derive from collecting insects, fish and fossils has something scientific and didactic, as well symbolized by the presence of the museum inside, but the game can also become a sort of exercise of foreign languages when set to other languages, which allow you to learn a large amount of vocabulary.Link to Animal Crossing: New Horizons review
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Scribblenauts: Mega Pack
Writing immediately becomes reality in Scribblenauts: Mega Pack Let's happily pass the Italian time with Scribblenauts: Mega Pack, a game that fully exploits the power of the word, in truer sense of the definition. The idea of WB Games with this series was simple but brilliant: to allow players to solve puzzles simply by writing what they want, so that the game translates words into objects in real time and then seeing what the consequences of these new introductions to the scenario. Also in this case we are faced with a game that mainly exploits logic and induction, but we can also see it as a kind of writing exercise, since this is in fact the basis of the entire gameplay. When used in a foreign language, this also turns into a sort of review of the language vocabulary, as an added bonus. Scribblenauts Mega Pack also contains Scribblenauts Unlimited and Unmasked together.Link to the review of Scribblenauts: Mega Pack
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Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires Plot
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires Plot has arrived in Deluxe Edition on Nintendo Switch Prof. Layton's series has combined puzzle adventure with storytelling in a very unique way , giving life to a particular and rich world that has been the backdrop to several splendid games, including on the Nintendo Switch Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the millionaires conspiracy. The puzzles contained are often very challenging and require a considerable capacity for logic, abstraction and lateral thinking, real challenges for the brains that can test even the most brilliant riddles. Furthermore, everything is enriched by very pleasant scenographies, atmospheres and stories and equipped with a unique style capable of amalgamating the various challenges into a wonderful journey. Condensed in the tests of Layton - or rather Katrielle, in this case - we find mathematics, geometry, science and other subjects that combine to compose the complex intertwining of puzzles on which the difficult case we are working on is based, but all of these elements are proposed immersed in a truly unique spirit of mystery, adventure and romance.Link to Layton's Mystery Journey review: Katrielle and the millionaires' conspiracy - Deluxe Edition
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Sid Meier's Civilization 6
Civilization and historical characters are still present in Civilization 6 The story hour could only correspond to Sid Meier's Civilization 6, the last chapter of the famous strategy with historical setting also arrived on Nintendo Switch. It is true that it is not really a very reliable source as regards the historical reconstruction of events, situations and characters, of course, but it can put the history of the world in a different perspective, making the study of the subject even more stimulating, given the ease with which it is possible to immerse yourself in the game. If nothing else, the great leaders of history are present with their peculiar characteristics, just as some issues related to specific civilizations actually have a real historical confirmation, so the game can also be seen as a sort of very soft introduction to the subject in question. , with the right proportions.Link to review of Sid Meier's Civilization 6 for Nintendo Switch
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Bonus: Ring Fit Adventure
Ring Fit Adventure manages to convincingly combine physical activity with the video game. which allows you to disconnect from the study to release tension and devote ourselves a little to the health of the body: Ring Fit Adventure represents a bit of the hour of physical education, but experienced as a real vid e game through a remarkable balance found by Nintendo for this new adventure in the field of fitness. Even more than at the time of Wii Fit, the game for Nintendo Switch manages to combine physical activity with videogame action on the screen in a synergistic way, providing the right stimulus to continue with the exercises and also giving a sense of progression to the action of the player. From this point of view the formula appears really well balanced: the game is fundamentally fun and, if performed with the correct setting, it also has positive effects on the musculoskeletal system, thus succeeding in the intent to do well by entertaining, practically squaring the circle (or ring) for this type of game.Ring Fit Adventure review link
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