Music: the most anticipated albums of autumn 2021

It will be an autumn full of releases, but also a sweet autumn, as Carmen Consoli would say, which opens our review of the autumn 2021 albums. Because live music has not yet returned to full capacity. So let's enjoy these new collections of songs, imagining hearing them live soon
The cover of Blue Banisters by Lana Del Rey Summer is ending, said that song. Indeed, it is already over. And, even if we still have the melodies of summer hits in our heads and the images of our holidays in our eyes, there is a positive side. That with autumn, as usual, everything starts up again. And, even on a musical level, the important releases, the most anticipated albums, are starting to arrive. Of course, you talk about albums and travel back in time, you think about 33 rpm vinyl, with large and historiated covers. Today you can call them what you want, playlists, projects, collections, you can listen to them on smartphones, PCs or turntables. But the albums still exist, even if they say the kids don't listen to them anymore. It will be an autumn full of releases, but also a sweet autumn, as Carmen Consoli would say, which opens our review of the most anticipated albums of autumn 2021. Because live music has not yet returned to full capacity. But we can listen to these new collections of songs, imagining listening to them at concerts.Carmen Consoli. I wanted to be a rock star