Fortnite: Update 18.10 for download - patch notes, changes to the XP system

Epic Games releases the Fortnite Update 18.10 for download. The new patch appears in the course of the current downtime: the servers of the battle royale shooter went offline at 10 a.m. In the meantime, the developers have published the patch notes - and with them details of the changes and innovations. The focus of the update is on optimizing the XP system. In this way, the developers significantly increase the number of experience points that you receive through the daily missions on your stamp card. XP is also added to all shared missions. All new and future character stamp cards should also reward you with significantly more XP. However, the makers have slightly reduced the EP of the weekly stamp card. The changes are intended to ensure that players don't fall too far behind if they don't complete them.With Update 18.10, the Superlevel styles also come into play. Level up above level 140 this season to discover new rune styles for Charlotte, Kor, Fabio Sparkle Mane, J.B. Unlock Schimpanski and Torin. With the revised XP system, this should now be easier. There are also new cartoon fish order styles. "Complete thematic assignments to replicate Mancake's style, look like the regular fish finger, and more. With 20 new styles to collect right now (and one more style we can't talk about yet) there are tons of it." new possibilities to paint cartoon fish according to your own taste ", writes Epic Games in the patch notes for Fortnite (buy now 37.81 €) Update 18.10.
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It may be a long time before the battle royale shooter Fortnite is available again in the Apple App Store Take time. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1380419,1380393,1380132,1380144'; As a new exotic item, the chilli drink comes to the Battle Royale shooter. This restores stamina and shields, but also gives so much energy that you get a boost in speed. Swap bars for Naughty Sausage to get the chilli drink packs. Alternatively, you can get them in bag lamas (instead of drinking cannons). With the release, the original drink also returns to Fortnite. This also restores both stamina and shields, but you don't get an extra boost. You can grab the standard drink as normal prey anywhere on the island. In addition, hunter coats can be made - combined meat.Individual balancing adjustments are also on the program with Fortnite Update 18.10. In the main game modes, wind tunnels are now deactivated during the last eye of the storm, in the competition modes again in phase 5. The railgun has been removed from the competition game modes; Tilt world anomalies are now disappearing earlier than before. The developers also announce that they have reset the arena hype of all players in the competition modes. The patch is rounded off by individual bug fixes. From now on it should no longer happen that vehicles suffer severe damage if they collide with a part of the wreckage of the mother ship.
'Fortnite' Season 8 Quest List for Unlocking All Toona Fish Character Styles
A selection of new paint styles has been added for the Toona Fish character in Fortnite Season 8. This guide will list all of the quests that you need to complete in order to unlock these various outfits.
The Toona Fish skin was introduced to Fortnite just over a couple of weeks ago. Although the anthropomorphic guppy is monochrome at first, players can add a splash of color to make their version stand out from the crowd.
There were initially 21 different paint styles that you could unlock for the Toona Fish, which you could earn by tracking down their corresponding bottles in the game world. Speaking of which, Newsweek has already prepared walkthroughs showing you where to find the Diamond Blue and Cuddly Pink paints.
Story Trailer For Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8
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Following the recent v18.10 update for Fortnite Season 8, the amount of color options for the Toona Fish has doubled. There are subsequently 42 options for you to unlock now, although one of these is currently being kept under wraps as a special mystery skin.
Unlike with the first batch of Toona Fish styles, you cannot unlock these new colors by simply finding their paint bottles out on the island.
Instead, you will need to complete specific quests for each one. The criterion for these missions varies greatly, with some requiring you to do quite a lot of work, while others are relatively straightforward.
To view the new Toona Fish character styles, head into the Season 8 battle pass and then navigate to the 'Paint a Toona Fish' menu.
Here is a full list of every Toona Fish style that was added with the v18.10 update and its respective unlock criteria:
Toona Fish Character StyleUnlock CriteriaNotesCharlotteUnlock Charlotte in the Season 8 Battle PassCharlotte is unlocked with the purchase of the Season 8 Battle PassKorUnlock Kor in the Season 8 Battle PassKor can be purchased for 9 battle stars, on page 4 of the Season 8 Battle PassFabio SparklemaneUnlock Fabio Sparklemane in the Season 8 Battle PassFabio Sparklemane can be purchased for 9 battle stars, on page 5 of the Season 8 Battle PassTorinUnlock Torin in the Season 8 Battle PassTorin can be purchased for 9 battle stars, on page 8 of the Season 8 Battle PassJ.B. ChimpanskiUnlock J.B. Chimpanski in the Season 8 Battle PassJ.B. Chimpanski can be purchased for 9 battle stars, on page 7 of the Season 8 Battle PassCarnageUnlock Carnage in the Season 8 Battle PassCarnage can be purchased for 9 battle stars, on page 10 of the Season 8 Battle Pass??????Mystery character style currently silhouetted on the menuFishstickDiscover 25 fish in the collection bookThis will require you to use a fishing rod or harpoon gun to catch different species of fishAuraSpend 3,000 gold barsN/AThe VisitorVisit 15 different landmarksAny landmarks you have visited prior to v18.10 will not count towards thisTomatoheadConsume 50 foraged itemsN/ASunnyComplete 10 character punch cardsA more in depth explanation of how to do this can be found hereMancakeComplete 10 bountiesN/ADark BomberOpen 10 chests in the SidewaysA more in depth explanation of the Sideways dimension can be found hereCluckCraft 5 different itemsN/ADriftDrive in a vehicleN/AJoeyVisit 3 different alien crash sitesN/AZygEliminate 200 cube monstersThese enemies can be are found in the Sideways dimensionCube AssassinDefeat 1 Cube AssassinN/AMecha Team LeaderUnlock 21 Toona Fish color bottlesThis requires you to collect every single paint bottle on the islandMerry MarauderClaim 41 Toona Fish StylesThis requires you to unlock every other Toona Fish character style (there are 41 excluding the Merry Marauder itself)Related Articles
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