CBI together with Nexi and SIA: the CBI Hub Cloud project is underway

CBI together with Nexi and SIA
CBI, the collaborative hub for technological innovation and digitization of the financial industry, on the occasion of the renewal of the network services already entrusted, conferred to Nexi, the leading PayTech in Europe, and to SIA, a leading European hi-tech company in the payment services and infrastructures controlled by CDP Equity, the task of redesigning the technological architecture of interconnection between all the banks and the Payment Service Providers (PSP) customers of CBI.The goal is to evolve the offer of digital transaction banking services for citizens, businesses and the Public Administration: towards the end of 2022 the banks will carry out the first tests of the new system.
The new architecture, called CBI Hub Cloud, will allow the transition CBI infrastructures, which today manage all multi-bank payment and collection transactions between Italian companies and to the PA, on private and dedicated Cloud technology, borrowed from the CBI open banking platform Globe.
Credit institutions will thus be able to offer more advanced and real-time transactional and open finance services to the Public Administration and their corporate and retail customers, considerably expanding the levels of efficiency, security and of integration in the payments market among all the players in our country.
The CBI Hub Cloud strengthens the commitment of CBI together with Nexi and SIA for the modernization of the country system in the financial payment services sector, allowing banks and other intermediaries, thanks to the most innovative Cloud-based technological infrastructures, to respond to new competitive challenges, including international ones, and to the growing needs of their customers, who are increasingly interested in efficient, innovative and tailor-made services.
"Thanks to the CBI Hub Cloud - said Liliana Fratini Passi, General Manager of CBI - which brings together in a single technological ecosystem all the Services currently conveyed on the CBI Network, all intermediaries will be able to make it simpler, more immediate efficient management of device, information and document exchange services offered to customers, as well as creating new services by exploiting the opportunities, flexibility and time to market response enabled by the Cloud ".
" CBI has chosen Nexi and SIA as a partner of the initiative for the native propensity for innovation in the payments market ".
" This new architecture will strengthen CBI's role as a company for the development of digital payment services in the financial sector, including the international one, facilitating the real-time dialogue between the various market players, citizens, companies, banks, intermediaries, fintech and Public Administration from a collaborative perspective, through the use of technologies in line with the best safety requirements required by the European Authorities and already tested following the entry into force of the PSD2 ".
" Being chosen again by CBI as a technological partner is a further confirmation of what Nexi can do as the PayTech of the Banks - comments Renato Martini, Nexi Digital Banking Solutions Director - The CBI HUB Cloud will be developed with the API technology that Nexi has already used for the development of CBI Globe, the platform for Italian Open Banking " .
“A HUB Cloud of services will be created for the banks, adding efficiency and innovation to the CBI Multibanca Service, a reference point for cash management and for the remote banking connection of corporate companies in Italy”.
"It will be easier for credit institutions to join the service, which can take place with the installation of a very light software client, and real-time monitoring of transactions thanks to dashboards connected online with the HUB ".
" The HUB will lead to the definitive advent of online in the logic of processing the cash management services proposed by CBI. Furthermore, the API technology, flexible and open, will allow the suite of services offered to evolve in an innovative logic according to the principles of open banking, starting from those already known in the development plans of the CBI, such as smart onboarding, check iban, the Advance Invoice Database or the Confirmation of Payee ".
" The launch of the Hub Cloud project represents a new stage in the long collaboration with CBI to innovate this important system infrastructure, also at an international level, with additional services digital, in line with the new needs of the market. Therefore, our commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies to make the country's payment systems evolve ".
" As a partner of the initiative, we have simplified the dialogue between the various Hub players - through innovative access tools for banks, corporate and PA - to increasingly encourage the digitization of payments, such as bills and taxes, making the experience of citizens quick and easy, with particular attention to security aspects "he declared Eugenio Tornaghi, Marketing & Sales Director of SIA.