35 years ago in Italy Aliens - Clash of the Final by James Cameron was released

How a director and a film (then) not loved by critics changed cinema. And not only
(photo: Ipa) 35 years ago, as usual then a few months after its release in the United States, Aliens - Scontro finale invaded Italian cinemas.Misunderstood and therefore destroyed by 'most committed critical intelligentsia, accused of warmongering militarism and Reagan propagandism, would become one of the most impressive film hits of the decades to come, would consecrate director James Cameron as the new Midas king of the Seventh Art and reveal to the world what action should have been like movie thereafter. In addition, it would have anticipated, being at the same time an ante-litteram critique, the aesthetics of war, in the sense of its tele-journalistic narrative.
Easy, one could say in retrospect, it was the most anticipated sequel from seven years, those that separated him from a milestone in cinema not only in science fiction: Ridley Scott's Alien. Half true, indeed only a starting point. Because to respect the spirit and the heritage of the original, Cameron did the only sensible thing: he deviated as much as possible. He built, with Aliens, the mirror of his predecessor, an overturned and complementary reflection. An identical on the contrary.
Today, 35 years after 1986, it is worthwhile to review.